The Pernicious Nature of Idealism

Posted: August 26, 2011 in Education

The Pernicious Nature of Idealism

Why do Liberal ideologues continue to pursue Utopian grandiosity? Despite the fact that history has shown us that the pursuit of this ideal world has ultimately concluded with genocidal outcomes at the hands of megalomaniacal demagogues such as Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler; or simply murderous thugs like Castro, Mao, and Che, this historical reality is never accepted.

How can such a discredited ideology not only persist, but continue to blossom with each new graduating class that seemingly becomes louder and more self-righteous than the previous one, despite its irrational premise and historically disastrous record?

This is not a book, so the answer to these questions by necessity are broad, and thus requires the reader to be broad minded, as each subject broached can only be superficially examined.  It is also important to realize that I will be contrasting philosophies, not how they are actually implemented.  In my mind, both parties are equally corrupt, paying lip service to their philosophies while acting in a totally discordant manner.  This is not a commentary on policy.

In The Beginning

 The American spirit was evident in the words contained within the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These are words of ’self-determinism’, giving the individual a Government that allows for a persons’ own pursuits. The Constitution neither confers greater rights to the individual, nor does it in any way limit an individual so long as they are operating within the Law; which of itself, does not limit anyone’s pursuit of happiness nor success. A self determined life recognizes that the onus of responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the individual. One has the right to pursue their dreams, but nowhere is it stated that one is entitled to their dreams. Without getting tangled up in all the theological and philosophical aspects of self-determinism, for purposes of this post I will simply define the drives behind it in its most basic terms:

Need for competence: refers to the need to experience oneself as capable and competent in controlling the external and being able to reliably predict outcomes.

Need for autonomy: refers to the need to actively participate in determining own behavior. It includes the need to experience one’s actions as result of autonomous choice without external interference.

Need for relatedness: refers to need to care for and be related to others. It includes the need to experience authentic relatedness from others and to experience satisfaction in participation and involvement with the social world. Legislated relatedness is not authentic.

Lacking or squelching the attendant responsibility of self-determinism is where socialism over-extends its basic supportive role in our society. Obviously those that are in some way handicapped deserve our assistance. Those that have been discriminated against deserve a fair chance. Yet socialism has become the forerunner to Progressive Liberalism, inasmuch that socialism exploded beyond its economically defined boundary becomes a model of equalizing humanity. In our modern reiteration of socialism, equal opportunity is translated to mean ‘everyone should be equal’. On an individual level, this  ends up having a ring of narcissism to it.

We Were all Born Dependent

Primary archaic narcissism is our state of being upon birth. There is no distinction between self and other, there is only primal ’ism’ and the need for narcissistic supplies to ameliorate a very fearful primal existence. The dispensing of these supplies assuages fears, develops the super-ego, and indoctrinates the budding human being into responsible external social behaviors in relationship to the internal ‘I’. Developmental anomalies in this process can lead to pathological Narcissism.

Simplifying narcissism, it can be said that narcissism is a defense against Emptiness as it struggles to ameliorate the anxieties between Ego (self) and Object (not-self). This severely truncates the maturation process and gives rise to all manner of psychological and social aberrations.

Progressive Liberalism shouts “I deserve”. Rather than struggling with the maturation process of defining self, it cries out from the dark womb of emptiness and ineptitude. It seeks comfort in the same manner that an infant suckles at the breast. When a person has not adequately matured within the family environment, they seek an over emphasized need from Society. Most psychological disorders can be traced to having their roots in an imbalance between Home and Society. Society is unfeeling. Society does not give narcissistic supplies to the individual. The founding doctrines of our society are meant to provide a blank blackboard that allows individuals to take the chalk and author their own personal script for their life. Society bestows upon the individuals that inhabit it the self-deterministic ‘freedom of choice’. When there are aberrations in those supplies that spring forth from the home, then an individual seeks more from Society then its intended purpose. Society is then subconsciously perceived as the Mother’s Breast, and those that remain fearful of life want to suck Society dry. The tit of society becomes the pacifier against the fear of maturation and the responsibilities inherent therein.

 Grandiosity in Leaders

To understand this narcissistic defense as it manifests, we merely have to look at the liberal world view. I think it fair to say that what liberals mainly see when they look at this country is injustice and oppression of every kind—economic, social and political. This view is steeped in negativity and evokes their emotional response. Perceiving the external as wrong, strengthens the impoverished image of ’self’ as right. It only makes sense that given this perspective, what they see requires that America be fixed, or discarded.  This perpetual external view of the world as “wrong”, strengthens the internal view of self as “right” that in turn contributes to a self-righteousness that can appear arrogant.  It follows then that if the Liberal deems oneself to be ‘the enlightened ones’, then this must exist in opposition to what is deemed to be the unenlightened ones.

This is a very dangerous ground for America when a politician thinks thusly.  Their own vision of self as “right” necessitates then the need to control, to herd the unenlightened masses down what they perceive to be the correct path.  This requires a centralized government, and participating masses. Participation can either be cajoled or coerced. History has shown what the unwilling have suffered.  The Liberal has an easy sell, which is…”why can’t we all just get along?”, summed up in a nutshell it encompasses things such as food for all, end poverty, end war,  or summarily simply called social equity.  The Liberal seeks to obtain the grandiose ideal by any means for what they deem to be the betterment of all.  It is their vision of what is good for me. The central authorities tell me what I should believe, what my moral code should be, where my money should go, etc; afterall, they are enlightened and they know best.

As said previously, the Liberals have an easy sell…”don’t you want to save Mother Earth, help the poor, end all war, have everyone get along”?  Of course we do the masses echo back!  It is irrelevant to consider reality when the grandiose sounds so noble. Reality is, we cannot ever all get along.  Period.  We are human, and you cannot legislate our human-ness out of us.  Does anyone really believe that there aren’t people that hate us, will always hate us, and will always seek our destruction?  If you think we can win the love and adoration of every nation in the world, then I would invite you to consider this:  Why is the divorce rate 52%?  Half the people in America can’t even get along with the love of their life for more than 7 years!  Lacking critical independent thought, one cannot ferret out the hypocrisy or foolishness of such a faulty grandiose premise.

Is it that a Conservative wants war, poverty, foul air, dirty water, injustice, oppression, etc?  Of course not!  No one does. In the observation of America, the Conservative sees a country that has risen to be a world leader in the shortest amount of time than any other nation in the history of man.  It is a country that has provided more wealth and more opportunity for more people than any other country in history.  It has contributed more to raising the global standards for everyone on Earth than any other nation.  In its 250 year history the United States has invented 534 different items that revolutionized the way people live.   By contrast, since the inception of France..they have contributed 34 world altering inventions, and Russia 3 (discounting 4 contributions to science that may have led to helping mankind indirectly, such as the Periodic Table of Elements, which was not a discovery of those elements, just a categorizing of them). The Conservative is not incognizant of social injustices, they just believe that by harnessing the best of man,  it will ultimately benefit all mankind.  Nor has the conservative neglected social issues, having passed as many social aid programs as the Democrats. The Conservatives have a message that is much harder to garner support for.  It puts individual freedom and economic healthiness as its first priority, feeling that these will in turn help the most amount of people in the most ways.  But selling economic theory and individual responsibility is harder to do than selling “feel good” philosophy.  Everyone can understand an emotional message, but delivering an economic message that is simplified enough for all to understand is impossible, and the message itself gets so diluted in the process that even if understood, is not very compelling. Why be self-reliant and self-sufficient when it is so easy to not have to burden the yolk of responsibility?

It is ironic to me that Conservatives are so often labeled as the elitists.  What could possibly smack of more elitism than the self-righteous notion of oneself correct, and others wrong? There is nothing that could possibly be more divisive or rife with class-distinction.  Yet, the Liberal “feels” the plight of the poor and gives them a target to vent this angst against…the rich.  Irrationality and hypocrisy follows.  The poor are not poor because the rich are rich.  Just because Bill Gates is worth billions, this does not prevent me from going out and amassing my own fortunes.  If the accumulation of wealth is such a vice, why is the desire to take it from me deemed a virtue?

Perpetuating the Species

The enlightened ones are not self-aware of their own inherent evilness, nor will they be perceived as evil if their ideologies are embraced by the masses.  In order to gain this support a massive propaganda mill needs to be created and perpetuated.  There are many ways this occurs, but I will only superficially look at one.  Again, i can’t delve into all the historical events or fill in all the gaps over the last 60 years, the reader must do their own independent investigations.  The information that follows is merely the tip of the iceberg, that is the result of years and thousands of hours of exhaustive research.

Currently, much of our U.S. policy is the outcome of agreements we have entered into with the United Nations.  To understand current politics in context of my message here, it is important that we examine a bit the guiding principles of those organizations whom we subscribe too.  In particular, we are among the signatory nations that have signed Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter, both of which are part of UNESCO and both of which are designed to perpetuate UNESCO’s mission.  What follows are excerpts from UNESCO’s mission statement. (link is to original document)

“As we have seen earlier, the unifying of traditions in a single common pool of experience, awareness, and purpose is the necessary prerequisite for further major progress in human evolution. Accordingly, although political unification in some sort of world government will be required for the definitive attainment of this stage, unification in the things of the mind is not only also necessary but can pave the way for other types of unification.  … it must also eventually include a unified common outlook and a common set of purposes. This will be the latest part of the task of unifying the world mind…”  – page 17

It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.” – 40

“There are thus two tasks for the Mass Media division of UNESCO, the one general, the other special. The special one is to enlist the press and the radio and the cinema to the fullest extent in the service of formal and adult education, of science and learning, of art and culture. The general one is to see that these agencies are used both to contribute to mutual comprehension between different nations and cultures, and also to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and cultures.” – 60

“… education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished…. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.” – 61

“Taking the techniques of persuasion and information and true propaganda that we have learnt to apply nationally in war, and deliberately bending them to the international tasks of peace, if necessary utilising them, as Lenin envisaged, to “overcome the resistance of millions” to desirable change. Using drama to reveal reality and art as the method by which, in Sir Stephen Tallent’s words, “truth becomes impressive and living principle of action,” and aiming to produce that concerted effort which, to quote Grierson once more, needs a background of faith and a sense of destiny. This must be a mass philosophy, a mass creed, and it can never be achieved without the use of the media of mass communication. UNESCO, in the press of its detailed work, must never forget this enormous fact.” – 60

Agenda 21 suggests ways to implement policies whereas the Earth Charter is a program of education.  One only need look at the 40 chapter titles to see how the 2 dovetail into one another and see how current policy is reflecting the objectives of Agenda 21.  Current legislation underway that has its origins in Agenda 21 are highlighted in red.

Obviously, the point I am trying to make is that to garner the support of the masses requires a central organizing principle and a plan on exactly how to organize the people.  Mass media and education are two major ways to accomplish this.

At the Johannesburg Summit of 2002 the nations of the world gathered to re-affirm their commitment to Agenda 21. In a speech given at the Summit, the Director General of UNESCO continues to stress the importance of education:

“Governments recognized the critical importance of education for promoting sustainable development a decade ago at the Rio Earth Summit and in Agenda 21, the action plan agreed to by all governments at the Earth Summit. Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, on Education, Awareness and Training, states that: “Education is critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making.”

Following the Rio Earth Summit, UNESCO was designated as its Task Manager for Chapter 36. Since Rio, it has been the role of UNESCO to mobilise the various actors concerned with implementing Chapter 36, and to facilitate new initiatives and partnerships primarily through a wide-ranging Work Programme approved by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.”

Chapter 27 requires some further explanation.  An NGO is a non-government organization.  There are currently 58,000 NGO’s registered with the United Nations. NGO’s interface with Congress and the White House in policy recommendations, helping to implement policy, or serving as an interface between Government and Local Authorities.  The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, and countless other organizations are deemed to be NGO’s.   Most of them exist to “spread the word”.

Back in the days when the whole man-made global warming paradigm was being seeded into the public consciousness, President Clinton made massive changes to FACA (The Federal Advisory Committee Act) that transformed the way that NGO’s could interface with Congress and the WH, and how grants were to be awarded.  Basically, it goes something like this:  “we will hire you to provide proof the man has caused climate change, and in return for our multi-million dollar grant you must also be an advocate for our cause and support my re-election”.  Is it possible objectivity was the least of anyone’s concern?

NGO’s that have consultative status with the United Nations are called CSO’s – Civil Society Organizations.  At any given time, the Federal Government maintains a list of 1,000 NGO’s that have consultative status with Congress and the WH.  Currently, each and every one of them is a CSO from the United Nations.

Have you ever wondered how it is that the Liberals seemingly have this amazing ability to all say the exact same thing, with the exact same words, at the exact same time?  It is not as if they are Siamese Twins connected by the neuron at birth, lying around passively until enough synaptic energy is accumulated to stimulate a thought.  No, it is the fact that many of these NGO’s have “rapid response teams”.  George Soros has his fingers in about 5,000 of these NGO’s  and thru the Tides Foundation he creates what is internally called “incubator programs”.  These are short lived and situation specific reaction teams mobilized to squelch opposing thoughts or beliefs.  Unraveling the money trails of these organizations is in and of itself a task worthy of an entire research team dedicating themselves to this sole endeavor for years.  It is amazing.  But I digress….

If you may recall that prior to the threat of annihilation by eco-strangulation and climate change, the extinction of the species was going to be brought about by over-population.  UNESCO, The Rockefeller Foundation and many familiar and prominent figures were heavily invested in figuring out a humane program of eugenics.  From UNESCO:

“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilisation is dysgenic instead of eugenic; and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” – 21

This was a hard sell for politicians.  It goes way beyond ‘killing granny’. Another paradigm was required in order to have a successful organizing principle:

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” – the Club of Rome Publication, The First Global Revolution

The Club of Rome is group of world leaders, media moguls, finance moguls, and prominent activists.  Take a moment and glance over this article on the Club of Rome, it is very important to at least know who the members are, and it will give you some insight on how all these NGO’s are interlinked.  It is interesting to note that Al Gore sits on the Board of Directors along with Gro Harlem Bruntland.  Gro Harlem Bruntland was the former President of Norway.  Is it possible she had any role in helping Al Gore get his Nobel Peace Prize?  When trying to foist a particular agenda, one would certainly seem much more credulous with such credentials, wouldn’t they?   Both  AL Gore and Gro Harlem Bruntland are instrumental in bringing the notion of man- made climate change to the public.  Al Gore, Maurice Strong, and Mikhail Gorbechev authored Agenda 21.  Strong and Gorbechev authored the Earth Charter.

Idealism or Greed

After 20 years of hard-hitting indoctrination, going green is thoroughly embedded into our global society.  I am not a Scientist, so reading complex analysis to prove or disprove these theories is not something i am qualified to render a judgment upon.  To me, the question is NOT if man caused climate change –that is the distraction!  The real question for any independent critical thinker should be:  “is this being contrived for ulterior motives.”?

I think I have adequately explained how it is the masses can be narcotized to regurgitate the mantra of the day. They are the innocent and easily swayed by the altruistic rhetoric that bombards them every day in every way imaginable.  But what about our Leaders?  Are they really ‘true believers’ or is there another agenda in the hidden?

I am sure most of us remember Goldman-Sachs and their role in the debt mortgage crises.  You may not be aware of the fact that Goldman-Sachs is 10% partners, along with Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros and other Club of Rome members in a company called The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX).  The list of players that comprise this organization is far-reaching as well, but they are all the usual suspects, and loosely tied into Obama also.

CCX was formed 11 years ago as a company to capitalize upon revenues to be garnered by the passage of Cap and Trade.  Remember, Cap and Trade did not really reach public awareness until about 2 years ago, but these legislators and policy makers had made provisions to profit from the passage of this bill 9 years before any of us even knew about it. Oh, and profits they do intend to make!  A spokesperson for the CCX announced that they hope to have annual revenues of $10 TRILLION.  Think of this…10 trillion dollars to be made, and not even offering a single product or service.  All this revenue is to be garnered by trading puffs of smoke required by legislation that they have control over and will mandate.

If you notice one of the chapters of Agenda 21 (partially authored by Al Gore) is entitled combating poverty.  Mr Gore has set up a company to help do so, called Generations Investment.  On his website he states they anticipate annual revenues of $13 TRILLION dollars.

Consider this:  the annual GDP of the entire world is $69 trillion.  So literally 1/3 of the entire worlds wealth is going to be transferred into and thru the hands of these 100 regular players; the same people that created the panic, created the policies to address the panic, and wrote the legislations and regulations to mandate this massive transfer of wealth.  Their idealism I find questionable.

you could never describe the color blue to a blind man..but once he opens his eyes he will never have to ask:  what is blue?


Those that know me realize I am a Conservative Reaganite.  I make this proclamation up front so the reader understands the position I am coming from before trying to tackle this article from a Liberal point of view.  In this article I am trying to convey all the reasons Liberals have for the global agenda so we Conservatives can see why it gains so much support and then focus our efforts on alternatives, or debunking some of the fundamental principles. For example, there is enough proof that man-made climate change is all hogwash, but where are the arguments against “depletion of natural resources as population grows”…or, “negative impacts on biodiversity as a result of human sprawl”….

If we simply remain dismissive of the issues because we wish to “keep things the same as they have always been”, then the best we can hope for is to appear ignorant–intellectually rooted by dogmatism.  If we are to be honest with ourselves then logic would dictate that spiraling consumption patterns, modernization of mining, fishing, agriculture, etc., coupled with greater industrialization; just might have some impact on either ecological balance, the environment, and/or the biosphere.

The principles of the Constitution are immutable in my opinion, but conversely it is fair to say that the world is not the same place that our Founding Fathers inhabited.  This certainly does not give justification to changing the governing laws of the land, but it does present us with the challenge of broadening our perspective to be inclusive of the global consequences of our actions.

This article is basically a call for action.  I do not have the answers to address all the issues that they raise.  We have successfully debunked the myth of man-made climate change, but this will not stop the Progressive agenda because there are many more issues that they bring to light.  Irrespective of the fact that these issues are being used to foist a political agenda of corruption, power, and control; our resistance to such controls fail to effectively stop the political machine. Resistance only breeds counter-resistance, so such arguments are always met with retorts along the lines of …”oh yeah, well look what Bush did…etc.”  Additionally, the political machine marches on largely due to the fact that the ‘noble’ aims of the Progressive movement give rise to the axiom ‘the ends justify the means’.  Since many of these ideals are truly a ‘life or death’ situation in their minds, then even that flawed rationale has some merit.  After all, if one of your beloved was threatened with great harm, would you not do anything to protect him/her?

My underlying motivation for writing this article is two-fold: First, so we can engage in effective communication or compel our leaders to address these challenges head-on, and secondly, to bring to light the critical moral dilemma we are going to be faced with in regards to our children.  The former is self-explanatory, but the latter requires some elucidation.

We are all aware how the educational system is being used to foist this new-age awareness upon our children.  At the end of this article are links to the Earth Charter and a couple of it’s supporting groups.  The fact of the matter is that resistance to these new educational paradigms are not working so long as the Dept. of Education is endorsing these programs.  The peer pressure upon our children is going to be great, and the way things are going, the fundamental transformation of America is going to be wholly, or at a minimum, partially successful.  For our children to succeed economically and psychologically are we to raise them to stand outside this movement that is the wave of the future?  Are we supposed to isolate them so as to preserve our ideals?  How do we balance the economies of the past with the dynamics of the future in such a way to insure our children’s future success while maintaining core values and principles?

The news is resplendent with the state of our economy and the rate of unemployment.  However, what the news fails to point out is how other sectors are thriving, indeed, actually booming!  Government employment is certainly on the rise, but more importantly, various NGOs (non-government organizations) are being infused with billions of dollars as they align themselves to this Administration to help foist their agenda.  Many companies are benefitting from these ‘public-private partnerships’ (PPPs).  An excellent example of this is how the Stimulus package included $80 billion to build broad-band communications in rural areas.  This means that some company will be given our taxpayer dollars to provide cable services…and then that company then reaps the benefit of the profits it brings!  This is the new way of conducting business in this country, and only those companies/individuals that ‘play ball’ with the Administration are allowed to participate.  So how do we prepare our children for this ‘new tomorrow’ so that they can lead happy and successful lives?

So, it is for the sake of our future generation that I suggest we begin to seriously consider the oppositions point of references, and then address those issues with some REAL hard data to debunk them, or provide some thoughtful alternative methods to resolve them.

Enclosed at the close of this article is a hodge-podge of links that provide some historical precedence and current issues that are fueling this progressive movement towards a more proactive global governance.  All of these issues have one unifying theme, and that is they are all being looked at through a screen of “sustainability”.  Also when going through these links it is important to note that all these entities are addressing the same exact themes, only utilizing different approaches.  The predominate themes are:

  1. Combating Poverty:  This warrants lots of research and discussion because this area of concern is multi-dimensional.  For example, developed countries have historically gone into underdeveloped third-world countries and offered the local tribal chief some Snicker Bars in exchange for their cobalt, magnesium, and other resources without proper remuneration or usage rights.  Now where you and I might think this is just “smart negotiating”, others tend to think this is exploitative.  Also of concern is “how” these countries might go about mining for these minerals–ravaging the host country ecology and rendering 1,000’s of acres of land unusable for these cultures to either thrive economically, maintain personal health, and a host of other issues that lives in the wake of serious exploitation.
  2. Changing Consumption Patterns:  “Although consumption patterns are very high in certain parts of the world, the basic consumer needs of a large section of humanity are not being met. This results in excessive demands and unsustainable lifestyles among the richer segments, which place immense stress on the environment. The poorer segments, meanwhile, are unable to meet food, health care, shelter and educational needs. Changing consumption patterns will require a multipronged strategy focusing on demand, meeting the basic needs of the poor, and reducing wastage and the use of finite resources in the production process.  Growing recognition of the importance of addressing consumption has also not yet been matched by an understanding of its implications. Some economists are questioning traditional concepts of economic growth and underlining the importance of pursuing economic objectives that take account of the full value of natural resource capital. More needs to be known about the role of consumption in relation to economic growth and population dynamics in order to formulate coherent international and national policies.”  This aspect of consumption patterns is economical in nature, but additionally there remains the question of environmental impact and resource depletion.
  3. Demographics, Consumption, and Sustainability:  “The growth of world population and production combined with unsustainable consumption patterns places increasingly severe stress on the life-supporting capacities of our planet. These interactive processes affect the use of land, water, air, energy and other resources. Rapidly growing cities, unless well-managed, face major environmental problems. The increase in both the number and size of cities calls for greater attention to issues of local government and municipal management. The human dimensions are key elements to consider in this intricate set of relationships and they should be adequately taken into consideration in comprehensive policies for sustainable development.”
  4. Conservation of Biodiversity:  “Our planet’s essential goods and services depend on the variety and variability of genes, species, populations and ecosystems. Biological resources feed and clothe us and provide housing, medicines and spiritual nourishment. The natural ecosystems of forests, savannahs, pastures and rangelands, deserts, tundras, rivers, lakes and seas contain most of the Earth’s biodiversity. Farmers’ fields and gardens are also of great importance as repositories, while gene banks, botanical gardens, zoos and other germplasm repositories make a small but significant contribution. The current decline in biodiversity is largely the result of human activity and represents a serious threat to human development”.  Inclusive of this broad topic are issues of desertification, deforestation, water and air pollution, etc etc.

This call to action is made to my fellow conservatives to start understanding the oppositions concerns and work on researching viable alternatives.  As the preponderance of links to follow suggests, they are extremely unified in their beliefs and very well versed in the subject matters they bring up.  All we seem to be offering is our resistance to this bill or that bill, without understanding the contextual framework giving rise to these legislations and demonstrating that there is either no need, or acknowledging the need but offering more “American-principled” alternatives.  I urge you to follow the links above contained within the 4 bullet points, read their message…and then present intelligent alternatives.  The debunking of the man-made climate change myth, although not 100% successful in stopping the machine, sure the heck was successful in slowing it down!  Similarly, by going straight to the source of their other major issues and then addressing them, I am certain this will help promote our ultimate victory.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ References for Research ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The UN and Civil Society:  These CSOs are those organizations that have consultative status within the United Nations and are responsible for either outlining policy or helping to implement policies.  This is where much of our tax dollars go, funding those organizations that help to perpetuate current political agenda.

The United Nations is both a participant in and a witness to an increasingly global civil society. More and more, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society organizations (CSOs) are UN system partners and valuable UN links to civil society. CSOs play a key role at major United Nations Conferences and are indispensable partners for UN efforts at the country level. NGOs are consulted on UN policy and programme matters. The UN organizes and hosts, on a regular basis, briefings, meetings and conferences for NGO representatives who are accredited to UN offices, programmes and agencies.  Database of CSOs

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the most broadly supported, comprehensive and specific development goals the world has ever agreed upon. These eight time-bound goals provide concrete, numerical benchmarks for tackling extreme poverty in its many dimensions. They include goals and targets on income poverty, hunger, maternal and child mortality, disease, inadequate shelter, gender inequality, environmental degradation and the Global Partnership for Development.

Adopted by world leaders in the year 2000 and set to be achieved by 2015, the MDGs are both global and local, tailored by each country to suit specific development needs. They provide a framework for the entire international community to work together towards a common end – making sure that human development reaches everyone, everywhere. If these goals are achieved, world poverty will be cut by half, tens of millions of lives will be saved, and billions more people will have the opportunity to benefit from the global economy.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.  List of Supporting Organizations

National Security Study Memorandum

Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (aka The Kissinger Report)

The report advocates the promotion of education and contraception and other population control measures. It also raises the question of whether the U.S. should consider preferential allocation of surplus food supplies to states that are deemed constructive in use of population control measures. The report advises, “In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.”  Brief to Congress Against Population Control

Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility was established in October 1991 as a $1 billion pilot program in the World Bank to assist in the protection of the global environment and to promote environmental sustainable development. The GEF would provide new and additional grants and concessional funding to cover the “incremental” or additional costs associated with transforming a project with national benefits into one with global environmental benefits.  GEF Civil Society Organizations

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Ecosystem Management:  Scientific evidence shows that ecosystems are under unprecedented pressure, threatening prospects for sustainable development. While the challenges are daunting, they also provide opportunities for local communities, business and government to innovate for the benefit of communities, economies and the global environment. However, in order to secure the environmental conditions for prosperity, stability and equity, timely responses that are proportionate to the scale of the environmental challenges will be required. In creating such responses, governments, the international community, the private sector, civil society and the general public all have an important role to play. As the environmental programme of the United Nations, UNEP is working to articulate, facilitate and support appropriate responses.

Climate Change: Climate change has long-since ceased to be a scientific curiosity, and is no longerjust one of many environmental and regulatory concerns. As the United Nations Secretary General has said, it is the major, overriding environmental issue of our time, and the single greatest challenge facing environmental regulators. It is a growing crisis with economic, health and safety, food production, security, and other dimensions.  Climate Change Factsheet (July, 2010)

World Conservation Monitoring Centre:  The Centre has a mandate from the UNEP Governing Council to provide a range of biodiversity-related services to UNEP, the biodiversity-related conventions and their constituent party-states and other bodies in the non-governmental and private sectors

United Nations System-Wide EarthwatchThe Global Biodiversity Assessment measures the effects of human activities on biodiversity. They have increased so greatly that the rate of species extinctions is rising to hundreds or thousands of times the background level. These losses are driven by increasing demands on species and their habitats, and by the failure of current market systems to value biodiversity adequately. The Assessment calls for urgent action to reverse these trends.

Earthwatch and Agenda 21:  Apart from the separate issues reviewed here, one significant broad result of the Rio process and Agenda 21 has been the growing recognition that all the different aspects of sustainable development described in its forty chapters are interrelated, and only integrated approaches will make it possible to approach sustainability. New evidence since Rio shows that these interrelationships also apply to the major environmental problems, such as those for which international conventions have been adopted. There are significant interactions between climate change, ozone depletion, desertification and biodiversity loss, for instance, requiring greater attention to synergistic effects between these problems, and integrated approaches to research, assessment and management.

UNEP and Agenda 21:  Both UNESCO and the UNEP hold conferences regarding Agenda 21.  The UNEP is hosting the 2012 Conference on Sustainable Development: At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, the international community adopted Agenda 21, an unprecedented global plan of action for sustainable development. Ten years later, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation was adopted highlighting concrete steps for better implementing Agenda 21. However, the progress has been slow in achieving internationally agreed goals, and challenges remain in achieving the goals of the three pillars of sustainable development, particularly in the context of the current global crises.  The Conference will bring together a range of participants, including heads of State and Government, national delegates and leaders from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses and other major groups to focus the world’s attention and direct action toward addressing difficult challenges our planet is facing, including reducing poverty, conserving our natural resources, overcoming financial and economic crisis.

The Marrakech Process: The Marrakech Process is a global process to support the elaboration of a 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) on sustainable consumption and production, as called for by the WSSD Johannesburg Plan of Action. UNEP and UN DESA are the lead agencies of this global process, with an active participation of national governments, development agencies, and civil society.

Transitioning to more sustainable patterns of consumption and production is at the heart of sustainable development, and international co-operation is essential to effect that transition. Recognizing this, governments at the Johannesburg Summit in 2002 called for the development of a 10-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable patterns of consumption and production that will promote social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems. The draft input to the 10YFP from the Marrakech Process is now available for public comment.

UN Economic and Social Council (UNESCO)

Division for Sustainable Development: The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) provides leadership and is an authoritative source of expertise within the United Nations system on sustainable development. It promotes sustainable development as the substantive secretariat to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) and through technical cooperation and capacity building at international, regional and national levels. The context for the Division’s work is the implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the Barbados Programme of Action for Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.

UN Habitat

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The main documents outlining the mandate of the organization are the Vancouver Declaration on Human SettlementsHabitat AgendaIstanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium, and Resolution 56/206

UN-HABITAT’s Sustainable Cities Programme and a project known as Localising Agenda 21, help cities get the most out of their vital role in social and economic development by promoting better environmental policies and programmes, aimed at reducing pollution, and improving urban environmental management.

Global Marshall PlanGlobal Marshall Plan Initiative

Al Gore states: “The model of the Marshall Plan can be of great help. For example, a Global Marshall Plan must focus on strategic goals and emphasize actions and programs that are likely to remove the bottlenecks presently inhibiting the healthy functioning of the global economy. The new global economy must be an inclusive system that does not leave entire regions behind. The new plan will require the wealthy nations to allocate money for transferring environmentally helpful technologies to the Third World and to help impoverished nations achieve a stable population and a new pattern of sustainable economic progress. To work, however, any such effort will also require wealthy nations to make a transition themselves that will be in some ways more wrenching than that of the Third World.”

In order to further the idea of a GMP and to coordinate the various initiatives, NGOs, scientists, activists and groups in the field of development cooperation and global social justice the Global Marshall Plan Initiative was founded by members of the Club of Rome, the Club of Budapest, the ATTAC and other organizations in Frankfurt, Germany in 2003. The two main objectives are to find new ways and sources of financing in development cooperation, predominantly pursuing the Millennium Development Goals of the UN and the worldwide propagation of the eco-social market economy, which is considered to be one of today’s key strategies of initiative.

The Earth Charter

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. It is a vision of hope and a call to action.

The Earth Charter is centrally concerned with the transition to sustainable ways of living and sustainable human development. Ecological integrity is one major theme. However, the Earth Charter recognizes that the goals of ecological protection, the eradication of poverty, equitable economic development, respect for human rights, democracy, and peace are interdependent and indivisible. It provides, therefore, a new, inclusive, integrated ethical framework to guide the transition to a sustainable future.

The Earth Scouts:  Earth Scouts is a new national program developed by Earth Charter U.S. that inspires the above qualities in boys and girls from 3 to 17 years of age and engages them in actions. Earth Scouts themes are derived from the Earth Charter: A Declaration of Interdependence. The Earth Charter calls for a caring, sustainable and peaceful world. It was written by thousands of people from 78 countries over a period of 10 years and launched at The Hague Peace Palace in 2000.

Earth Scout Merit Badges: Participatory Democracy Badge, Human Rights Badge, Peace & Nonviolence Badge, Respect for Nature Badge, Economic Justice Badge, Earth Scouts Logos Patch

The Alliance for Climate Protection: This is a psychologically clever website of an NGO owned by AL Gore.  This website cleverly uses peer group principles of identification.  A sense of ‘belonging’ and ‘participation’ are very important during childhood formative years, and this website is powerfully designed to capitalize on these psychodynamic principles.

Earth Charter Preamble

… we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature…. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.

According to the Charter, humanity must undergo a global “change of mind and heart.” And the UN’s all-wise seers
visualize themselves as the lead change agents for this global undertaking. The Earth Charter Initiative, however, candidly admits that it intends to recruit your children as change agents, as well. “We seek to increase the participation of young people in utilizing the Earth Charter as a guideline in their work as active agents of change,” says the Earth Charter Initiative website. They have been doing precisely that, and will be accelerating their program throughout the world — including in schools in your neighborhood. The U.S. Conference of Mayors is but one of hundreds of organizations, schools, municipalities, and other entities that have signed on as supporters of this declaration of a new “global ethic” for the world.


In writing this article I am by necessity going to have to waffle between fact and conjecture.  The problem with interpreting political data is that it always requires inferential analysis. The reasons for this are many-fold, but the most obvious are simply because legislation is drafted in legal language and thus requires such interpretations; and secondly; those interpretations then have to be weighed against a body of empirical evidence that illuminates a political agenda or overall philosophy that has been exhibited over an extended period of time.  Nothing is ever as simple as it appears, nor does anything ever happen without a reason.  It is an arduous task to fit all the pieces together and reveal the big picture, but one thing you should be certain of is that there is a framework of thought that precedes all policy. To garner the full implication of this article it must be considered in conjunction with the Club of Rome and Agenda 21.  That information can be obtained by clicking on their respective links as they appear in this article.


Club of Rome board members Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong authored the Earth Charter as a project undertaken by their respective organizations, Green Cross International and the Earth Council Alliance.  The idea for the Earth Charter was conceived in 1987 by another Club of Rome Board member, Gro Harlem Brundtland.  As an interesting side note, Gro Harlem Brundtland served as Prime Minister of Norway for 3 terms.  I cannot help but wonder if it is possible that she had any influence in helping fellow Club of Rome board member Al Gore obtain his Nobel Peace Prize?

Gro Harlem Brundtland was invited by then United Nations Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar (and current Club of Rome board member) to establish and chair the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), widely referred to as the Brundtland Commission. This commission published its report in 1987 entitled  Our Common Future and was the precursor to the Rio Earth Summit which gave rise to Agenda 21.  If you notice, both documents parallel one another in their language.  (excerpts below are from Our Common Future)

“Sustainable global development requires that those who are more affluent adopt lifestyles within the planet’s ecological means.”

“Sustainable development can only be pursued if population size and growth are in harmony with the changing productive potential of the ecosystem.”


The Earth Charter Commission approved the final text of the Earth Charter in 2000, and it has since been embraced by the United Nations, many religious leaders around the world, the majority of world governments and countless Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and activist groups. Following the release of the Charter a series of international forums, called The Earth Dialogues were held at the United Nations to discuss how the general public could be convinced to adopt the “covenant with the Earth” in a real and personal way.

Perhaps most revealing was the forum for Inter-Religious Groups and Spiritual Leaders. As stated in the forums official meeting minutes, the intent was to deal with “the ethics of intolerant righteousness and the greed of short term gain, as these cannot lead us to sustainable development. It is clear that our religious institutions have barely begun to articulate the core values of sustainable development. In their fundamentalist – fanatical forms, religions throughout history have justified terrorism, jihads and crusades against people who hold different beliefs and against the Earth itself.” So we can clearly see who they consider their enemy to be.

While supporters of the Earth Charter consider traditional mono-theistic religions to be the main obstacle to peaceful coexistence and sustainable life on Earth, they do not propose doing away with spirituality. The Earth Charter goes into detail about the need for faith and spirituality in human life. The preamble of the charter states “the spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature.”

So what exactly does this Earth Charter contain? Compared to most UN publications it is very short, only four pages long, direct, and to the point. It clearly lays out the Constitution for a New Green Order. “The choice is ours,” it states, “form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living.”

In closing the Earth Charter concludes:

As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter. This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that generated the Earth Charter, for we have much to learn from the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom.”

“Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for effective governance.”

“In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.”

Unlike Agenda 21, which is a hard law document, the Earth Charter lays out the principles which laws and regulations will have to promote and enforce. The Charter “was drafted in coordination with a hard law treaty that is designed to provide an integrated legal framework for all environment development law and policy.” This hard law treaty is called the International Covenant on Environment and Development and is being prepared by the Commission on Environmental Law at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a behemoth agency which oversees 700+ governmental agencies worldwide. Interestingly, Maurice Strong (busy man!) is on the IUCN’s Board of Directors.

Again, unlike Agenda 21, the Earth Charter is not being forced on local communities from above. The United Nations is quietly fostering a grass-roots mainstream movement where people personally commit themselves to the Charter. They believe that this personal commitment will be necessary to bring about the societal transformation that the Charter requires. The primary tool being used to permeate society with awareness and acceptance of the Charter is the Earth Charter Initiative. This is another brain-child of Strong and Gorbachev.

According to their own description “The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions who participate in promoting the Earth Charter, and in implementing its principles in practice. The Initiative is a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort, but participants include leading international institutions, national governments, university associations, NGOs, cities, faith groups, and many well-known leaders in sustainable development.”

The Earth Charter Initiative is located in, and managed by, the United Nations University of Peace. The governing council of this University contains some very interesting names. Many of its top academics are members of the Club of Rome. In fact the infamous Maurice Strong is the President of the University and its Rector, Martin Lees, is the Secretary General of the Club of Rome. The founder and current Chancellor of the University is Robert Muller, former Assistant-Secretary of the United Nations, and its #2 ranked official. Dr. Muller is very active in the educational and spiritual aspects of the Earth Charter and apparently he has the power of God behind him to give his voice much more moral authority.  From his own website Good Morning World you can read the entire list of ideas he has conjured and bounces off God for approval. (scroll down to bottom, and on the way down notice that prior to his final stamp of approval from God, he has been dialoguing with “Earth”.  Robert Muller Schools are springing up all over the world

“Dear Robert, congratulations for having finished your 4000 ideas. May I ask you: which one do you consider the most important?”

Well, my most important idea and conclusion after all my adult life as a world civil servant is this:


“Thank you, dear Robert, for what you are recommending. Perhaps after all, the greatest jewel of my Creation, the Earth, can be saved.

Pervading Society

Millions of Americans were justifiably shocked and outraged over the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ notorious ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance. “Can our courts really have sunk this low?” people asked. “How can little Johnny and Suzie violate the Constitution by uttering the words ‘under God’ while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in a public school?”

Yet that is what the Court said in its June 26th, 2002 decision. This ruling was a continuation of an ongoing subversive campaign aimed at expunging all mention of God and all Christian symbols from the public sphere. Judicial activists have ordered our students not to invoke the Almighty’s name in prayer on school property. Posting the Ten Commandments on classroom walls is also supposedly a major no-no. Traditional Christmas carols with religious themes are out, as are Nativity scenes. Christmas and Easter vacations have been de-Christianized to, respectively, winter and spring breaks. Many textbooks have dropped the traditional “Christocentric” dating system of B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini, In the Year of Our Lord) in favor of B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).

Many Christians concerned about this trend are looking hopefully to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit’s ruling, as it has done with some of that court’s previous radical rulings. Even if that were to happen, developments at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (also known as Earth Summit II) could ultimately undo any Supreme Court reversal. If the Earth Summiteers have their way, Johnny and Suzie will not be able to pledge allegiance to “one nation, under God,” but they will be able to pledge to “One World, under Gaia” — that is, Mother Earth. They will not be allowed to have the Ten Commandments or the Holy Bible in class, but could soon be bowing before the pagan “Ark of Hope,” reading the “sacred” Temenos Books, and reverently intoning the text of the new UN Earth Charter.

Those decrying the 9th Circuit Court’s harmful decisions will take little comfort in learning that senior 9th Circuit Court Judge J. Clifford Wallace was among the jurists attending the Johannesburg Summit’s Global Judges Symposium. That meeting was hosted by several globalist institutions with a pronounced hostility toward the United States. The participants, which included judges from Communist regimes, pledged to “apply new legal instruments in keeping with the principles of sustainable development’ and the international “Rule of Law.”

One of the documents designed to advance this process, the long-awaited Earth Charter, was formally unveiled to the world at Johannesburg. Crafted by a conclave of “Wise Persons” headed by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, it is set to become the Holy Writ of the UN’s new “global spirituality.” Although the Earth Charter is not a legally binding document, its impact may prove damaging and pervasive. Its benign-sounding verbiage and symbolic nature camouflage its dangerous purpose. The Charter is intended to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically prepare the world’s children to accept the necessity of world government to save the environment. It is also an outrageous attempt to indoctrinate your children in the UN’s New Age paganism.

Blasphemous Symbols

Weeks before the start of Earth Summit II, the Earth Charter arrived in Johannesburg for a series of rituals, celebrations, and promotions aimed at setting the spiritual tone for the global conference. The venerated Charter is housed and transported in the Ark of Hope, a blasphemous mimicry of the biblical Ark of the Covenant, which held the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. The Ark of Hope is actually designed to look like the Ark of the Covenant and its devotees carry it around with worshipful solemnity. Accompanying the Charter and the Ark are the Temenos Books, containing aboriginal Earth Masks and “visual prayers/affirmations for global healing, peace, and gratitude,” created by 3,000 artists, teachers, students, and mystics. According to the Temenos Project, which launched the effort, a temenos is “a magical sacred circle where special rules apply and extraordinary events inevitably occur.”

The Ark, Charter, and Temenos Books were placed on display at the UN summit site and then put to work building the new global ethic. Day after day, UN acolytes carried the sacred objects from school to school, where tens of thousands of children already had been prepped with Earth Charter propaganda. Public ceremonies with mayors and celebrities augmented the school events.

The summit’s opening day featured a four-hour symposium entitled, “Educating for Sustainable Living with the Earth Charter.” Steven Rockefeller, a religion professor and scion of the fabulously wealthy banking family that donated the land for the UN headquarters in New York, was preeminent among the presenters. Professor Rockefeller is also chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Earth Charter International Drafting Committee. According to Rockefeller, the way to go about “building peace on earth” is through the “inclusive, integrated and spiritual approach” of the Earth Charter.

Covering the summit for USA Radio, Cathie Adams told THE NEW AMERICAN that Rockefeller described the Charter as an effort to incorporate the “wisdom of the world’s religions.” Razeena Wagiet, environmental adviser to South Africa’s national minister of education, was one of the presenters who followed Rockefeller to the podium. According to Wagiet, astrologers have foreseen that the world is about to enter a “Golden Age, a New Age, an Age of Aquarius.”

Earth Charter Integration

Outlining how the Earth Charter is to be integrated into lifelong education for all, Hans van Ginkel, chairman of the International Association of Universities, told the symposium: “We must mobilize all in education about sustainability; that’s how we meet the next generation.” Sixteen million teachers must be trained, he noted, and “the only way to move forward is by integrating the Earth Charter into curriculum.”

The Stong-Gorbachev Earth Charter effort is already fast at work on that score. Their website declares:

“The Earth Charter values and principles must be taught, contemplated, applied and internalized. To this end, the Earth Charter needs to be incorporated into both formal and non-formal education. This process must involve various communities, continue to integrate the Charter into the curriculum of schools and universities, and constitute an ongoing process of life-long learning.”

According to the same website, the Earth Council, UNESCO, and the Earth Charter Initiative folks already have many of the curriculum materials and programs prepared; in fact, they’re already up and running in schools across the globe. Some American schools got an advance start on the rest of humanity with Charter activities, coinciding with the journey last year of the Ark and its contents to the UN in New York. The pilgrimage began in Vermont, where Steven Rockefeller, in his role as dean of religion at Middlebury College, held a sacred Earth ceremony. Joining him and the other worshipers was Jane Goodall, the celebrity chimpanzee expert who has become a fixture at forums sponsored by Mikhail Gorbachev and the UN. The Charter was carried on foot, by car, and by boat, arriving in New York City on November 8th, to be greeted by Pete Seeger, the leftist folksinger. On January 24th, the Ark and Charter were carried in a procession from the Interfaith Center of New York to the United Nations Church Center Chapel, a distance of about 15 blocks.

The Charter’s authors are not shy about the importance of their handiwork. “My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond,” Gorbachev stated in a 1997 interview with the Los Angeles Times. Canadian billionaire socialist Maurice Strong, who presided over the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, is somewhat less tentative. “The real goal of the Earth Charter,” said Strong, “is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.” Mr. Strong had high hopes that the Charter, conceived in 1987, would be adopted by the world at Rio. It was decided that the world was not ready for the release of a charter to invigorate the world into embracing a paradigm of sustainable consciousness.  My interpretation of this hesitation is simply due to the fact that the notion of man-made global climate change had not been indoctrinated thoroughly enough to start cramming something as radical as the Earth Charter down everyone’s throats without threat of massive resistance.

In his opening address to the Rio summit, Strong directed the world’s attention to the “Declaration of the Sacred Earth,” which was part of the pre-Summit ceremonies. “The changes in behavior and direction called for here,” said Strong, “must be rooted in our deepest spiritual, moral, and ethical values.” According to the declaration, “The [ecological] crisis transcends all national, religious, cultural, social, political and economic boundaries.” “The responsibility of each human being today is to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light,” Strong exhorted. “We must therefore transform our attitudes and values, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.”

The “Sacred” Text

“The protection of Earth’s vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust,” the Earth Charter asserts. However, “an unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened.” Thus, “we urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community.”

The Charter is making its way to schools, city governments, state legislatures, teachers organizations, civic groups, professional associations, judges, and law schools. The aforementioned Global Judges Symposium concluded its summit activities by issuing the so-called Johannesburg Principles on the Rule of Law and Sustainable Development. “We recognize,” it states, “the importance of ensuring that environmental law and law in the field of sustainable development feature prominently in academic curricula, legal studies and training at all levels, in particular among judges and others engaged in the judicial process.”

The judicial symposium was sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Program (largely supported by U.S. tax dollars) and the Environmental Law Institute, one of the principal eco-activist legal groups supported by U.S. tax-exempt foundations.

For the amount of time, effort, and money invested in the Earth Charter program over the past decade, its profile at the 2002 Johannesburg Earth Summit was remarkably subdued. Apparently, the plan is to orchestrate a global stealth campaign for the Charter among a sympathetic core constituency. As the campaign picks up steam, activists will obtain signatures and public support for this new global ethic from local, state, and national governments, schools, and organizations – without stirring the suspicions and opposition of churches, pro-life, and pro-family forces. Once a critical mass of support has been built among students, teachers, journalists, and public officials, the Charter will appear to be universally accepted and unstoppable.

Transformation of the Soul

As many of you are aware there is an ongoing onslaught against traditional Judeo-Christian religions and values, while simultaneously seemingly embracing Islamic values.  In fact, all of our usual ‘players’ (Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, et al) claim to be devout disciples of the Baha’i Faith.

Baha’i literature proclaims the following:

“National rivalries, hatreds, and intrigues will cease, and racial animosity and prejudice will be replaced by racial amity, understanding and cooperation.  The causes of religious strife will be permanently removed, economic barriers and restrictions will be completely abolished, and the inordinate distinction between classes will be obliterated.  Destitution on the one hand, and gross accumulation of ownership on the other, will disappear.”

Baha’i grew out of Islam, and is in fact a stepchild of the Islamic faith, albeit a despised one.  Rather than naming Muhammad as the greatest of the prophets as the Muslims do, Baha’is hold Baha’u’llah to be the greatest of the prophets while extolling the virtues of Gaia, Mother Earth.

The Baha’i faith has become a popular religion in an environment of ecumenism, inclusiveness and political correctness.  Embraced eagerly by the United Nations and other interfaith organizations, Baha’i is a growing humanist influence on our world.  There are currently 17,148 Local Spiritual Assemblies of the Baha’i faith in the world and 4,515 in the United States alone.  Members claim a presence in 235 countries and their literature is translated into 700 languages with a total world membership estimated at 5,000,000.  The Baha’i Faith maintains chapels and meditation rooms within the United Nations.

Notice how their mission statement dovetails with Agenda 21?  Let’s expound on this a bit, using our good buddy Maurice Strong as an example.

Maurice Strong, founder and Secretary General of the United Nations Environment Programme and Senior Advisor to Kofi Annan. Founder of the Earth Council and the Earth Charter Initiative, and former President of the United Nations University of Peace. He, more than anyone else, has been the architect of the Global Green Agenda. Strong is a devout Baha’i and from his lofty positions within the UN has permeated the organization with Gaian theology.

He is the author of most of the key UN environmental policies and plans including Agenda 21, the Earth Charter, the Kyoto Protocol and the UN report on Global Governance. While he chaired the Rio Earth Summit, outside his wife Hanne and 300 followers called the Wisdom-Keepers, continuously beat drums, chanted prayers to Gaia, and tended scared flames in order to “establish and hold the energy field” for the duration of the summit. You can view actual footage of these ceremonies on YouTube. He founded the Manitou Institute where various Hindu, Buddhist, and New Age groups perform rituals to heal Gaia. The Institutes Mission is “to perpetuate the ancient tradition of peoples of many tribes journeying here for a sacred connection to the Earth.” Very Gaian!!

The Baha’i faith sees the United Nations as the vessel by which the unifying of the world’s religions into one faith will come to fruition. Their plan for the future of our world and the role of the United Nations overseeing a regionalised world mirror almost directly the proposal outlined by Maurice’ Strong Commission on Global Governance. Baha’i writings state “the oneness of humanity implies an organic change in the structure of present-day society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced. It calls for no less than the reconstruction and the demilitarization of the whole civilized world – a world organically unified in all the essential aspects of life, its political machinery, its spiritual aspiration, its trade and finance, its script and language.”

In a statement to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002, the Baha’i Community wrote, “despite significant achievements, the United Nations has yet to grasp fully both the constructive role that religion can play in creating a peaceful and prosperous global order, and the destructive impact that religious fanaticism can have on the stability and progress of the world. The UN must work untiringly to exorcise religious bigotry and superstition from within their faith traditions and renounce claims to religious exclusivity and finality.” In other words Christianity, Judaism and traditional Islam are forms of religious bigotry that must be exorcised from the world system.

The Baha’i organization claims to have a close working relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO) and with the United Nations Environment Programme. It is also involved in joint activities with UNIFEM and UNICEF as well as many other religious, environmental and social programs within the UN. The Baha’i spiritual beliefs mirror almost exactly those described by the Lucis Trust and AAC described below. They too are waiting for the imminent arrival of an ‘Enlightened Being’ who will lead humanity into a ‘new world order’ and maintain a presence within the U.N.

For Baha’is, the term “new world order” has a special and clear-cut meaning. More than 100 years ago, Baha’u’llah invoked the phrase to categorize a future series of momentous changes in the political, social and religious life of the world. “The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing Order appeareth to be lamentably defective,” He wrote. “Soon will the present-day order be rolled up and a new one spread out in its stead. Baha’is understand that the dramatic changes and transformations we have witnessed over the last century – and which we are continuing to see – have been initiated by the coming of a new Messenger of God and influenced by the breaking light of a new Revelation.” – link

The Aquarian Age Community

The AAC was founded by the Lucis Trust (subsidiary of Lucifer Publishing Company) and describes its mission as “preparing the way for the imminent appearance of the World Spiritual Teacher.” They are an official consultative NGO in association with the United Nations’ Department of Public Information and their website is sponsored by the UN. On their website they state:

We have an informal network at the UN, a humanity underground. It consists of those who are committed, aware, and striving to bring the New World to birth. It consists of people in high places and in low. The patient Secretary who has been 30 years with the UN, but lives with the vision and the spirit; of the professionals, and undersecretaries and heads of departments who are acting out the imperatives that their own inner vision gives them.

Some few are conscious of the sources of their inspiration; most are not. They are the Karma Yogis of our time – those whose path of spirituality is to achieve through doing – to grow through serving. They are found not only in the secretariat but also in the delegations to the UN, among the diplomats and their staffs, and also among folks like us, representatives of non-governmental organizations around the UN.” – link

No doubt the ‘patient Secretary’ refers to Robert Muller who served as Assistant Sec-Gen of the UN for decades, or perhaps Maurice Strong who also served in this position. The AAC has a startling website that clearly outlines their goals and influence within the UN. Even a brief perusal leaves little doubt of their true agenda. Articles on their site include:


It would take a hundred pages to analyze all the material on the ACC site so I encourage the reader to take a look at the articles listed above for themselves. Perhaps the most interesting pages are the minutes from their meetings discussing how they will “recognise the World Spiritual Teacher and introduce him to the world.” Top UN officials attend these meetings!


Obviously to fully understand the implications of the Earth Charter one must wander down some dark labyrinthine corridors that could generate entire books unto themselves.  All I could do within this article is give sketchy overviews that hopefully enable the reader to discern for themselves how all the pieces are fitting together. In my previous article, Artificial Paradise, Inc. I listed some of the organizations that are committed to promulgating the spiritual/educational aspects of Agenda 21 via the Earth Charter. We will never know if these people actually believe this stuff, or merely recognized how convenient it would be to have everyone else subscribe to this paganism.  Whatever that case may be, it is obvious that Earth worshippers would gleefully embrace policies that serve to protect her. When the Earth Charter is considered in conjunction with Agenda 21 then the achievement of a total transformation of the world can be more fully comprehended.  Global citizenship, ecological stewardship, social equity, and all these new-age terms take on meaning with much greater significance.

It is hard to point to the Earth Charter alone and ascribe to it just how insidious it is, for it must be weighed against all the beliefs of the individuals and organizations that are promoting it.  I hope I succeeded in bringing more clarity to this endeavor.

There is nothing wrong with spiritual enlightenment as they portray it, however, they are merely the repeater of words and seek to have others “think” accordingly.  This is NOT enlightenment. Just as one could be quite adept at quoting the Bible and the words of Christ, this does not necessarily make them in any way Christ-like. What should be glaringly obvious to anyone is that enlightenment is a process that requires a complete regression of developmental structuring of the ego.  It is a lifetime journey that defies a ‘thought-process’.  Perhaps it would be nice to have the spiritual connections of the Nav’i as portrayed in the movie Avatar, but this is an evolutionary process and cannot be the outcome of mandates, rules, regulations, or laws.  As moving as the concepts may be intellectually, mankind is a long ways off from this experience of ‘satori’.  In fact, although we have evolved greatly in our scientific/industrial capacities, mankind on the whole hasn’t changed much since the beginning of recorded history.  The current divorce rate in the United States is approximately 45% and another estimated 25% that wish they could get divorced but because of a variety of reasons they stick it out.  We can’t even get along with the ‘loves of our lives’ for an extended period of time, yet they purport how the world is ready to come together in a blissful union.  It is recognition of the fact that contrived psychologies may be intellectually stirring for some period of time, but they can never be transformative, that gives me hope that eventually this whole house of cards will collapse.  We are in for some tough times, but in the long run ‘individuality’ will prevail.


I have some good news for you.  You have a life plan!  Your idyllic paradise has been carefully conceived and is awaiting just a couple more laws and regulations to be hammered out before given to you.  The bad news is that your life plan is being planned by someone else. Your paradise is not of your conception, nor perhaps even to your liking.  It is artificial, imposed by the CEO’s of AP, Inc.

Although many years of planning have gone into constructing this paradise that awaits you, you were never invited to participate in the planning because no one ever told you about it.  Chances are you may not have ever heard of Agenda 21; the blueprint for your paradise; so you might be shocked to learn that the 18th meeting of Agenda 21 just took place in NYC between May 3rd-14th of 2010 to discuss the next phase of constructing your Utopia.  In attendance were the 179 signatory nations as well as representatives from 2,146 NGOs (non-government organizations) that have been diligently working to facilitate the realization of your paradise over these past 18 years. This is all for you, but you weren’t even invited!  Maybe the heads of AP, Inc. just want to see the look of surprise on your face when they present you with your future.  I hate to be a spoil-sport and ruin this surprise, but I just can’t keep a secret very well I suppose.  According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development (one of 58,000 subsidiaries of AP, Inc.):

“Agenda 21 is a guide for business and government policies and for personal choices into the next century. It was endorsed by the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the largest-ever meeting of world leaders. They were joined by hundreds of officials from United Nations organizations, municipal governments, business, scientific, non-government and other groups. Nearby, the `92 Global Forum held a series of meetings, lectures, seminars and exhibits on environment and development issues for the public. This drew 18,000 participants from 166 countries, as well as 400,000 visitors. There were 8,000 journalists covering the Rio meetings, and the results were seen, heard and read about around the world”.

These people sure know how to throw a party, don’t they?  This shindig makes AIG spa-oriented conferences look like child’s play!  All of this effort on your behalf, isn’t that nice?  I am particularly touched by the fact that over 8,000 journalists were present; they all must have been from the New York Times, MSNBC, and Times Magazine; because I never heard a word about Agenda 21 until recently.

My favorite part of the IISD’s description is the notion of  ‘personal choices’.  I have read Agenda 21 from cover to cover (several times) and I assure you, I never once saw anything that came remotely close to language like:  “would you prefer choice A, B, or C?”

As long as this article will inevitably be, it is merely the tip of the iceberg.  Agenda 21 encompasses every aspect of your life, and each topic has produced many many books on its own.  Energy, biodiversity, climate change, governance, eco-responsible business, consumption, fossil fuels, water, food, poverty, etc etc.  Agenda 21 is an entire blueprint for re-structuring society on a global scale, and as such, is a daunting task to try to convey its importance and magnitude in some blog-friendly format.

What is Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 is the framework for a completely new paradigm in the 21st Century.  It is the outcome of the aforementioned United Nation’s Earth Summit.  Agenda 21 outlines in detail the UN’s vision for a centrally managed global society. You don’t have to worry about your future because Agenda 21 has a plan for how you will live, where you will live, how you commute, what you will eat, what you will learn (or be taught), and even who your God will be.  The good folks at AP, Inc. have taken care of everything you!  When fully implemented, Agenda 21 would have the government involved in every aspect of life for every human on earth. You’re gonna love it!  I italicized the word ‘implemented’ because Agenda 21 used to be called ‘The Programme for Implementation’.  That doesn’t sound like a pleasant surprise, so recently they changed the tagline to ‘A Programme of Action’.  That sounds nicer, doesn’t it? They forgot to change the name of their meetings though, for if you noticed (if you clicked the link on the meeting), they called this the ‘4th Implementation Cycle’.  Makes me wonder what they already implemented in cycles 1-3.  A cursory glance at the 4 major sections of Agenda 21 could give you an indication:

To save Mother Earth, Agenda 21 argues that the UN must oversee strict regulation of our planet’s atmosphere, lakes, streams, rivers, coastal waters, wetlands, oceans, forests, jungles, grasslands, deserts, tundra, mountains, urban areas, rural areas, health care, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production, consumption – in short, everything. The most accessible version of the document to come out following the Rio summit was published under the title Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Edited by environmental-activist attorney Daniel Sitarz and enthusiastically endorsed by Earth Summit chief Maurice Strong, the book provides a powerful, if unintended, indictment of the UN treaty. It approvingly admits:

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on Earth…. It calls for specific changes in the activities of all people….“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced – a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level”.

The admission is staggering. Look again: “all human society,” “every person on Earth,” “every human action,” “every level,” “demand,” “require.” The totalitarian power grab is so stunningly transparent that it seems impossible that any nation would endorse it. Yet it was unanimously endorsed by all of the countries in attendance, including the United States.

In a nutshell, Agenda 21 is the framework that addresses the issue of sustainable development.  By now most everyone has heard this term as it has become part of our global societal lexicon.  Few people realize that whenever you hear those words you are hearing the jargon that was spawned within the womb of Agenda 21.  Sustainable development is understood to be mostly concerned with issues regarding land usage.  Although that is a correct theoretical interpretation, it is a vastly truncated understanding. Sustainability, as defined by Agenda 21 and politicians, is the screen through which every human action is viewed and judged, and those actions are deemed to be either positive or negative when weighed against this yardstick of judgement.  Actions that are deemed non-sustainable are to be curtailed via a plethora of legislative restrictions accompanied by a myriad of punitive damages in many cases.  Sustainability can best be understood by contemplating those things that are deemed non-sustainable:

Source:  The Global Biodiversity Assessment Report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)  *Bold text indicates items that are being addressed in current or pending legislation.

In the Beginning

As I am sure you are aware I have been using Artificial Paradise, Inc. in a satirical manner, but there is a real life corollary, an organization called The Club of Rome.  The CEO’s of AP, Inc. are really the Board Members of the Club of Rome.  Members from this organization have been the principle players in developing what was to become Agenda 21, and they remain quite active in their role to implement it.  When I referred to the subsidiaries of AP, Inc. I was making reference to the 58,000 organizations registered with the United Nations that are committed to promulgating Agenda 21.  Inasmuch that Agenda 21 is a comprehensive re-structuring of society, each of these organizations dedicate themselves to certain aspects of Agenda 21.  These ‘non-government organizations’ (hereafter referred to as NGOs) can be think-tanks, policy recommendation consultants, advocacy groups, educational/spiritual organizations, or agencies that work on behalf of central governments to help implement policies on a local level.

The Club of Rome is a group of 300 individuals, comprised of 100 permanent Board Members and 200 Executive Members that may change from time to time.  All of the members are current or former heads of state, media moguls, financiers, world banking leaders, and high ranking United Nations officials. Some recognizable names are George Soros, David Rockefeller, Ted Tuner, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, Bill Gates, and many more. Other prominent members that overtly contributed to the creation and implementation of Agenda 21 are:

Al Gore – lead man for promoting man-made climate change that gave rise to Agenda 21
Maurice Strong – former Chairman of the UNEP, co-author of the Earth Initiative
Mikhail Gorbachev – founder of Green Cross International, the Gorbachev Foundation, co-author of the Earth Initiative
Gro Harlem Brundtland – former Prime Minister of Norway,  Chair of the WCED (precursor to Agenda 21)
Robert Muller – former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, founder of the UN University of Peace
Kofi Annan – former Secretary General of the United Nations

(for a much more in-depth look at the Club of Romeclick here)

If we wander back through our memory you may recall that prior to the threat of extinction by eco-strangulation, the world faced extinction due to over-population.  All the members of the Club of Rome were huge supporters of eugenics, indeed, the Rockefeller Foundation had population control as it’s founding principle.  Focus groups came to the conclusion that a political campaign platform based on killing off most of the worlds population would probably not be very popular, so another vehicle was required.  In one of their many publications, ‘The First Global Revolution’, the Club of Rome had this to say:

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

The perfect vehicle was born!  Humans can all equally live with existential guilt. Climate itself has no national borders, so ‘death by climate’ is perfectly suited to impose restrictions on all humanity via a global governance program. Twenty years of getting man-made climate change ingrained into the worlds mind as some globally accepted truth, led other CoR members to speak out and strengthen the message, giving rise to the Framework for Paradise-Agenda 21.

We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis…” – David Rockefeller

We need a new paradigm of development in which the environment will be a priority. World civilization as we know it will soon end. We have very little time and we must act. If we can address the environmental problem, it will have to be done within a new system, a new paradigm. We have to change our mindset, the way humankind views the world.– Mikhail Gorbachev

We require a central organizing principle – one agreed to voluntarily. Minor shifts in policy, moderate improvement in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change – these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public’s desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle and a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary.” – Al Gore

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that aboutCurrent lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.“- Maurice Strong

Agenda 21 incorporates within it all preceding language from various UN land, environment, biodiversity, social, and economic reform programs.  Last year at Copenhagen it was hoped that all nations would legally bind themselves to Agenda 21 by signing the UNFCCC.  I know many people were greatly concerned that Obama would sign this treaty, but I knew he would not because he had absolutely no need to do something so overtly when Agenda 21 is, and has been, in full operation in the United States ever since G.H. Bush signed it in 1992.  Although Agenda 21 is not a treaty and therefore is not legally binding, it hardly makes any difference if the policy is adopted and incorporated into every Federal Agency and is the driving force behind all policy and legislation.  In order to re-educate the world (and our children) the Earth Charter runs concurrent with Agenda 21 so as to indoctrinate the world consciousness to embrace ecological stewardship and global citizenship.  The Earth Charter was adopted by UNESCO and signed by G.W. Bush in 2000.  The Earth Charter also helps foster the notion of Mother Earth as the Supreme Deity.  There are literally 1,000’s of NGOs dedicated to this singular purpose.  The program for implementing the Earth Charter is called the Earth Charter Initiative .  Following are just a few of these ‘initiative’ NGOs that have been created by Club of Rome members.

Awakening Mind
Alliance for a New Humanity
Association for Global New Thought
The Ethical Globalization Initiative
Foundation for Conscious Evolution
Great Transition Initiative
The Earth Council Alliance
The World Future Council
The Alliance of Civilizations
The Global Marshall Plan

Once again, the primary players in foisting the spiritual dimensions of ‘sustainability’ upon the world are Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, and Robert Muller.  Robert Muller is a hard man to ignore simply because on his own webpages he has posted his direct conversations with God. [scroll about 1/3 down the page].  Reading Robert Muller can make your head swim, but he is very active in the spiritual consciousness of the new millennium.  Below are some of the websites that he maintains:

To embed the policies outlined in Agenda 21 into our society, Clinton established The President’s Council on Sustainable Development in 1993.  The PCSD then hired the APA to develop guidelines of legislative actions.  They published this handbook in a tome entitled ‘Growing Smart’. Today, smart growth is a common term in our society.  In fact, if you put the words smart growth into your browser, it will return about 8,000,000 hits.  Similarly, if you enter the words ‘sustainable development’ into your browser it will return you 25,000,000 hits!  Agenda 21 is very embedded into our country!

To facilitate the propagation of Agenda 21 (and basically change the nature of law in this country) he had amended the Federal Advisory Committee Act.  This law governed the way NGOs interacted with the White House and Congress to help write and implement policy.  These NGOs then serve as the interface between Government and Society.  Simply stated the rules regulating NGOs  basically equate to something like this:  “I will hire you to give me a report that will prove man has created climate change, and then you must help champion my idea if you are to retain your consultative status with Congress”.  The IPCC is such an NGO.  NGOs that have obtained consultative status with the United Nations are called Civil Society Organizations, or CSOs.  The United States government maintains a database of 1,000 accredited NGOs at any given moment.  Of all of these 1,000, each of them is a CSO.  There is not a single organization representing America or American citizens that have consultative status.  This explains why you have never heard from any of the myriad of scientists or scientific organizations that say ‘man-mad climate change’ is a hoax.  They have no voice, no federal grant money, and in many cases no further career if they become too vocal.

Not only are NGOs helping to embed Agenda 21 throughout our country, but each Executive Agency are actively writing restrictive regulations (without need of a Congressional vote) to help foster in our artificial paradise.  Below are paragraphs taken directly from the websites of the USDA and the EPA respectively:

USDA: “The U.S. Government has joined with foreign governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia, and the private sector to plan and implement voluntary partnerships that promote economic growth, social development and environmental stewardship. For example, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2002, the United States established and/or joined more than 20 partnerships to advance sustainable development. In addition, USAID, operating under the new Global Development Alliance (GDA) business model, has initiated or significantly expanded more than 200 public-private alliances in 2002 and 2003″.

“The United Nations recently passed a resolution on partnerships, “Towards Global Partnerships” (A/RES/58/129), and additional information regarding international sustainable development partnership efforts may be found at the UN’s Commission on Sustainable Development.

EPA: The United States government is extensively engaged in international climate change activities in areas such as science, mitigation and environmental monitoring. EPA actively participates in multilateral and bilateral activities by establishing partnerships and providing leadership and technical expertise. Multilaterally, the United States is a strong supporter of activities under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Brief Analysis of Agenda 21 Today

Lets look at a few chapters from Agenda 21 and see how they are being applied today.  If you want to predict your future, all you have to do is just glance over the names of all 40 chapter titles and it would be as if you are in possession of a crystal ball.

Combating poverty:  One of the first things Obama did when he took office was get the stagnant Global Poverty Act passed.  This obligated the United States to pay the United Nations an additional $65 billion annually to help combat poverty. Although I am not aware of this country ever receiving foreign aid to help combat our poverty (or crises), we continue to pay through the nose to everyone else.  There are many aspects to this that a thorough analysis would uncover, but suffice it to say this is also an instrument being used to re-distribute wealth.  New taxes are about to be imposed on U.S. citizens by the U.N. that will go into affect in 2012.  Additionally, in each chapter there is mention of helping to combat poverty in developing nations.  The U.S. has been giving away our money for decades in this effort, and it typically ends up in the pockets of some UN leader or corrupt third-world tyrant.  Irrespective of the fact that military analysts continually say we cannot win the war in Afghanistan so long as the leadership is a corrupt regime, no one seems to be apply this same logic to the war on poverty.  I find that curious.

Changing consumption patterns:  This sounds rather innocuous until you consider the scope of what consumption means.  In other words; everything you eat, drink, buy, or use. An example of some regulations and legislations that will serve to greatly restrict our consumption patterns are Cap and Trade, the Smart Grid, The Food Modernization Act and many more EPA and USDA regulations about to be enacted.  Our behavior is to be modified via an endless stream of taxes and punitive damages.  I am not going to delve into dissecting legislation so I will use as an example of this Obama’s own words:  “your energy prices are by necessity going to go sky high”. It is the intent to make fuel, energy, water, food, etc. so expensive that people will curtail their consumption.

Children and youth in sustainable development:  “Youth comprise nearly 30 per cent of the world’s population. The involvement of today’s youth in environment and development decision-making [this means getting their vote] and in the implementation of programmes is critical to the long-term success of Agenda 21″. Anyone that watches the news is acutely aware of how our children are being indoctrinated to embrace new values and perspectives. Our leaders are undermining the family unit as they repeatedly tell our children that they know better than their parents. I have already provided links to some of these sites, as well as mentioned the Earth Charter, which is the massive educational re-programming of the youth.  Al Gore founded 2 such organizations himself:  The Climate Project and The Climate Alliance.  The latter organization is a brilliant psychological construct that uses peer group identification processes.

Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations:  “Involve non-governmental organizations in national mechanisms or procedures established to carry out Agenda 21, making the best use of their particular capacities, especially in the fields of education, poverty alleviation and environmental protection and rehabilitation. Review government education systems to identify ways to include and expand the involvement of non-governmental organizations in the field of formal and informal education and of public awareness. Governments will need to promulgate or strengthen, subject to country-specific conditions, any legislative measures necessary to enable the establishment by non-governmental organizations of consultative groups, and to ensure the right of non-governmental organizations to protect the public interest through legal action”.  This seems pretty self-explanatory, and when considered against the light of how Clinton amended FACA and made massive changes to the processes of awarding grants, it illuminates with much more clarity how a non-elected quasi-government has gained so much control over our lives.

Strengthening the role of workers and their trade unions:  “The existing network of collaboration among trade unions and their extensive membership provide important channels through which the concepts and practices of sustainable development can be supported”.  Obama promised the Unions he would pass the Employees Free Choice Act which will in essence unionize every company in this country with 3 or more employees without due process of a voting procedure.  Not only will this serve immediate political interests, but it is also helping to to take ‘community organizing’ to the next level; ‘global organizing’.

Promoting education, public awareness and training:  “Education, including formal education, public awareness and training should be recognized as a process by which human beings and societies can reach their fullest potential. Education is critical for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of the people to address environment and development issues. While basic education provides the underpinning for any environmental and development education, the latter needs to be incorporated as an essential part of learning”.

Integrating environment and development in decision-making:  “The responsibility for bringing about changes lies with Governments in partnership with the private sector and local authorities, and in collaboration with national, regional and international organizations, including in particular UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank”. A massive re-distribution of wealth is taking place right now, and right under our noses.  This chapter is dedicated to expounding on the processes of strengthening Public-Private Partnerships, or PPPs.  The way this works is that your tax dollars are given to companies to help underwrite the costs of developing some enterprise, and then the profits are split between the Government and the Corporation –  (you don’t get any share of the profits even though it was your money that was used).  Like NGOs, you have to be an entity that is on ‘the team’ in order to get this federal help.  In short, this is one giant circle of collusion.  In order to survive in the future, your company must be on The Green Team.  An excellent example of this is Whole Foods, Inc.  You may recall how Whole Foods CEO John Mackey spoke out vehemently against the Health Care Bill. Garnering the wrath of the Left and the scrutiny of the Federal Government was not serving his business objectives to well, so he decided to ‘play ball’.  Here is a link to his new “sustainable” website:  Catalyzing Conscious Capitalism.  Learning how to ‘play ball’ in the 21st century has produced a plethora of publications and toolkits that NGOs have been hired to produce, (paid for by taxpayers in the form of grants).  Here is one example:  Environment, Ethics, and Business.

Life in Paradise Tomorrow

As a foundation for my fanciful ruminations, there are some immutable facts that continually gnaw at me.  The Chicago Climate Exchange proclaimed on TV that they are anticipating annual sales of $10 trillion.  Al Gore’s company, Generations Investment Management, states on his website that they anticipate annual sales of $13 trillion.  Pondering the magnitude of these numbers is mind-boggling when you consider that the entire worlds annual GDP is $69 trillion!  In other words, these 2 companies alone (which are predominately owned by Club of Rome members) anticipate sales that equal 1/3 of the entire worlds wealth!  It also came as a surprise to me that revenues from Cap and Trade have already been accounted for in the 2012 budget.  This law has not even been passed as yet, but it seems that these people have considered it to be a foregone conclusion.  Indeed, the Chicago Climate Exchange was conceived 10 years ago as a way to capitalize upon emissions that Cap and Trade will regulate once passed.  Makes me wonder what ever happened to democracy.  Makes me question all this noble sounding rhetoric about offering people ‘choices’.

The objective of our Administration under the guidelines of Agenda 21 is to have everyone hooked up to the smart grid and living within defined boundaries designated for human habitat, comfortably ensconced within their little eco-habitat.  Smart Growth is currently being implemented in 1,408 cities in the US by a CSO called ICLEI (International Council for Local Environment Initiatives). The ultimate goal is to build sustainable cities and preserving as much land as possible while protecting the air through the limitation of private transportation.

In order to engineer the population into these pre-designated zones of habitation, the US government is taking over our land at an alarming rate even though there is no constitutional basis for government ownership of land other than to establish military bases. Currently the government owns 650 million sq acres of our land with another 300 million acres about to be claimed via Wildlands Projects.  Additionally Obama has put into motion claiming land by using the Antiquities Act and establishing protected heritage sites. Ironically enough all the land the government is claiming just happens to be where all our agriculture is, our minerals, water, oil, and other valuable resources.

We are being led to believe that it is only the lacking of our spiritual enlightenment that prevents us from seeing the beauty of life confined so we can co-habitat in symbiotic bliss with bugs and furry little creatures while a higher communal harmony can be achieved by our shared love of our Goddess Mother Earth.  The Aquarian Age Community within the United Nations is at this moment debating who shall be our new spiritual leader.  You might find it of interest to read their article on their vision for a New World Order.

Welcome to paradise.  Have a nice day!

Food & Depopulation: Scams and Solutions

(Part 4 of 4)
By Cassandra Anderson
June 23, 2010

frankenfoods-2The Food & Depopulation series of articles has been written for people who think that conspiracies are mere theories, that the American government is working in our best interest and that the United Nations is benevolent. Nothing could be further from the truth; irrefutable proof of this is explained in the previous three articles. Sharing the truth about food is an exceptionally effective way to wake people up because all people have a personal relationship with food every day. Here are the important points to remember:
1. The US Department of Agriculture holds a patent on the ‘Terminator’ gene (the seed goes sterile after the first harvest) which has the potential to destroy all plant life on the planet. This patent is co-owned by Monsanto.

ap_supreme_court_070628_ms2. The US Supreme Court has studiously avoided trying any anti-GMO cases, despite the obvious health dangers to people and contamination of farms by cross pollination. On June 21, 2010 the Supreme Court lifted the nationwide ban growing GMO alfalfa due to its potential to contaminate other farms, pending a Environmental Impact Study (EIS) performed by the US Department of Agriculture. We predicted 2 weeks ago that the Supreme Court justices would rule in favor of Monsanto as they collect their paychecks from the federal government. If sanity had prevailed and the ban on polluting GMOs was upheld, the result would have put the USDA’s Terminator gene patent in peril, countless prior court cases would have to be overturned and an avalanche of new lawsuits against Monsanto may have bankrupted the company. The federal government and Monsanto are so deeply intertwined that we expect the USDA’s EIS, which they expect to finish by next Spring, to allow planting of the contaminating GMO alfalfa.

The Supreme Court refused to hear any of the facts regarding the dangers and past record of contamination; lone dissenter Justice Stevens said, “the district court did not abuse its discretion when, after considering the voluminous record and making the aforementioned findings, it issued the order now before us.” In other words, Stevens reports that the lower district court’s GMO alfalfa ban was put into place due to voluminous records of contamination to other farms, but this was not taken into consideration by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court only considered the national GMO alfalfa ban was “too broad”, without examining the damaging effects of contamination. This was a slippery move because if they had considered the devastating effects of GMOs, it would have been impossible to argue that they are safe. And the corrupt USDA will issue its EIS to determine the safety. The remote potential upside to this is that the jurisdiction is now in the lower courts, which may be more reasonable, but that means more lawsuits and more money.(1)
3. The United Nations is corrupt to its core and its programs are designed for depopulation, total control and profit. UN Agenda 21 is the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control, using the environment and sustainability as the excuse for its policies.

4. The Rockefeller family has been pursuing control over food for decades, using monopolies and government structures that are funded by taxpayers through complex schemes that they have created to accomplish this goal.


NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), in the modern definition, spring from the United Nations and act as ‘consultants’ to the UN; no government representatives are allowed as members. However, NGOs are hardly independent as most of them are funded by governments. In other words, our tax dollars are paying for our own demise.

This is how the scam works:

• NGOs create policy statements to be adopted by the UN that become international policy. NGOs then receive money from the UN.

• The UN policies are then are pushed the on national governments who then fund the globalist programs with money from taxes.

• The NGOs then lobby governments and the public to implement the programs, using misguided public pressure that they create by fooling people into believing that UN policies benefit the population (like local government acceptance of global warming regulations. These are based on lies and sold to the public by way of alarmism over environmental catastrophe). They are dispatched in your community with specific targeted agendas. Local government contracts with organizations like the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) insure local implementation of these globalist objectives.

• US government Advisory Committees are comprised of UN affiliated NGOs, businesses and organizations, while no Advisory Committees represent the American citizens’ interests.

• UN accredited NGOs are well funded and try to discredit populist organizations that oppose them.

UN affiliated NGOs began when eugenicist Julian Huxley created the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature), which created a more public spin-off, the WWF (World Wildlife Federation) and a third one called the WRI (World Resources Institute which is a think tank and communication network). These three NGOs are the driving force and behind the rise in NGO influence around the world. For full details, you can read the excellent analysis by Maryetta Ables.(2)

NGOs are treacherous and they lie. While an NGO may take the right action with one hand, the other hand is reaching out and grabbing your liberty by allocating its vast resources to advance the UN agenda. For example, the IUCN, the center of all UN NGOs, claims on their website that they have a moratorium on further release of GMOs, which makes them seem like they are against GMOs. GMOs have already contaminated much of the world, so a moratorium on further release of GMOs is a feeble attempt to rid the world of GMOs and NGOs pretend they have no power when more regulations are created to advance the UN agenda.(3)

Instead of taking serious action to combat GMOs, the IUCN allocates their resources toward promoting ‘biodiversity’, (the theft of private property by way of the Endangered Species Act) and global warming, which has been thoroughly discredited.(4)

The WWF keeps a low profile on their website about GMOs, but the WWF does fully endorse GMOs.(5)

Greenpeace is a UN accredited NGO, and like all UN affiliated NGO’s Greenpeace is dedicated to the policies of the UN’s Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. In order to appear that they are working in the public’s interest, they oppose GMOs and have taken some small actions, like publicizing the dangers of GMOs and pressuring the Trader Joe’s food chain stores into refusing GMO food for their private label. However, their opposition to GMOs, according to Michael Shaw of, is an example of painting themselves as a public interest group to cover up their true intent, the implementation of Agenda 21. On their website they endorse global warming lies and energy restrictions that support consolidation of globalist power. While their website claims that they do not “solicit” contributions from governments or corporations, there is proof that they have received grants from the Tides Foundation (Rockefeller Foundation is major a contributor), BP Oil and Exxon, but these ‘donors’ are not listed on their website. In other words, Greenpeace, along with many other environmental NGOs, receive “donations” from globalists and funnel money into other like-minded NGOs and “non-profit” organizations to accomplish Agenda 21.(6)


“Non-Profit” organizations and foundations are anything but not-for-profit! A more accurate definition is that they are tax exempt. What is it they don’t want you to know? Many, if not most are funded by governments, NGOs and “philanthropic” foundations. Tax exempt non-profit 501(c)3 organizations and foundations owe it to the American taxpayer to clearly and publicly disclose who their donors are because they benefit from a tax free status, but it is rare to find this information on their websites or on the Internet.

Michael Shaw pointed out that tax exempt organizations are increasing exponentially in order to capitalize on government funding, however, this makes tax exempt organizations beholden to the government. Public- Private Partnerships, or the coupling between government and private enterprise is the foundation of fascism. Non profits often fit the political–economic definition of Public-Private Partnership.

“Philanthropic” tax exempt foundations have been working toward the destruction of America for many decades. In the 1950’s a Congressional investigation into the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie Foundations was conducted with scandalous results, so the information was suppressed. However, G. Edward Griffin was able to obtain an interview with Senator Norman Dodd, one of the lead investigators, on video and in a written transcript available in the footnote below.(7)

andys-pictureSome “non-profit” tax exempt 501(c)3 organizations have been known to engage in controlled opposition. For example, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) represented farmers in opposition to Monsanto in the Supreme Court GMO alfalfa case and in many other anti-GMO cases. While we have no way of knowing whether Andrew Kimbrell, the Executive Director of CFS and his brother George (of counsel) performed solid work in opposing Monsanto or whether they sandbagged the endeavor, there are reports that CFS and its parent company have taken in $1.75 million dollars from the John Merck Fund, which has ties to the Rockefeller Family Fund. Andrew Kimbrell of CFS filed a petition with the EPA to ban colloidal silver which is a natural antibiotic agent with many benefits that competes directly with Merck’s dubious pharmaceutical drugs. This organization has the appearance of working in the public’s interest, but in a separate action, it has operated in opposition to public benefit.(8)

Further, Andrew Kimbrell reported reported a “success” in the Supreme Court GMO alfalfa ruling. He said that GMO alfalfa is still illegal to plant. While this is true today, the USDA has only to complete its Environmental Impact Study in order to approve the seeds.(9)

How to check websites of NGOs, Non-Profits and Foundations for corruption:

imgdavid-rockefeller3• Check out which actions they support. If they champion the global warming hoax, then they are likely to be compromised
• Check the organization and the Board of Directors for UN and Rockefeller connections
• Look for certain buzz words related to Agenda 21(10)

Beware as almost all major environmental groups are pursuing the objectives of Agenda 21, even when they oppose GMOs. It is important to do a little bit of research to determine their motives to avoid being fooled.


Here are some suggestions to eat healthy food, starve the corporate giants and create self-sufficiency:

Watch this amazing video of a family that turned their yard into a farm and earn money selling produce to restaurants:

Eat organically grown or non-GMO food.

Buy and store seeds- organic and heirloom seeds are best.

Natural seeds are scarce and could be a good item for investment or barter. The number of seed companies has dwindled from approximately 300 down to 100 due to corporate buy-outs (primarily by Monsanto).

Support farmers’ markets and local farms. Avoid imports to discourage food dependency. America is resource rich and there is no excuse for becoming dependent. Also, this limits the power of the WTO.

Plant your own organic garden. You can use diatomaceous earth instead of pesticides and nets to keep larger pests out of the garden.

If you don’t have a yard, find a neighbor who wants a garden and then share the food.

Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group that delivers fresh produce to a pick up location in your town; there are many listings for these on the Internet. This is a good idea because if there is a food shortage, the farmer will be more willing to help someone who supported him.

Remote farming- there is farm in Oregon that leases land, does the farming for you and then ships the food to you.(11)

Watch this video of Shelly Roche of as she reports that the anti-GMO food market is booming:

A letter to the Editor of Off the Grid News (6/7/2010), from from someone who lives in Tasmania describes how he copes with Codex Alimentarius, and reports that Australia was the guinea pig for this UN program starting 6 years ago. Supplements are not allowed ($60,000 penalty) and food is restricted, so he grows his own in old rainwater tanks to keep animals out and uses composted cow manure. He says that he gets an unbelievable bounty. This letter is worth reading because he claims that the food grown in Australia is exported and replaced by cheap imports from China, in addition to food being destroyed to keep prices high.(12)

We recommend obtaining information from people like Scott Tips and Jeffrey Smith for GMO truth.(13)

It is of the utmost importance that farmers become aware of the Monsanto licensing agreement trap, it is crucial that they fully understand that once they plant GMO seed, they will be stuck paying patent royalties even if they don’t use GMO products after the initial planting. America’s farmers must comprehend how Monsanto operates in order to avoid paying infinite royalties; if they buy cheap Monsanto seeds now, they will pay for it dearly later. Please share these articles with them.

Farmers and all Americans would be wise to join together in repealling federal laws that prohibit growing hemp as it provides super nutritious food, oil, paper products and can replace many plastics.  Please read the first article in this series for details about why hemp was outlawed.


Bad science must be exposed. ‘Climategate’ was very successful in revealing global warming lies and motives. All science attached to political policies should be scrutinized. The USDA’s upcoming EIS (Environmental Impact Study) is due soon, and must be investigated as there is no way GMOs will be approved unless the EIS is based on fraudulent science or some other loophole is used.

Remember monopolies are dependent on governmental regulations, so the way to break a monopoly is to remove the regulations.

Beware of all NGOs and so-called “non-profit” organizations. If they want your support, they should provide financial information readily and you can research them online. The secret scams and motives must be exposed.

With the November elections coming up, it is of vital importance to choose government officials wisely and to avoid being fooled by the Right/ Left paradigm. State and local governments are very powerful and you have more influence with them. Look for freedom candidates with Constitutional values and who oppose GMOs, Agenda 21, the United Nations and the globalist consolidation of power.

Share this information with everyone you know and create a voting coalition that includes citizens and businesses, especially at state and local levels. Word-of-mouth marketing is the more effective than anything else (even TV), so please share this information, especially candidates who may be unaware of Agenda 21.

Start locally and expand upward in securing freedom. The federal government is remote, but state and local officials are more accessible. Consider running for office. Support the Tenth Amendment and State sovereignty. Support local bans on planting GMO crops in your area.

You can visit Michael Shaw’s website at for more information on securing liberty at a local level and for understanding the tentacles of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

Food and Depopulation: International Takeover by the UN (Part 3 of 4)

By Cassandra Anderson
June 16, 2010

Most people think that the United Nations is a noble enterprise and they don’t understand the history and malignant character of the UN. Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore and Sean Penn are probably unaware, even though they are UN Ambassadors to the World Food Program (WFP), that the intent of the UN is to implement one world government. The UN WFP, which spreads GMOs in poor countries, is just one tool used for advancing the goals of UN Agenda 21, the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control.

The UN grew out of the League of Nations, which withered after Woodrow Wilson ( Edward House’s puppet), failed to convince Congress that international treaties and entangling alliances were good for America. Later, Rockefeller was able to advance the globalists’ cause and even donated 18 acres of land for the UN headquarters, located in New York. The Rockefellers have conceived and funded most of the destructive UN programs.

The origin of the food monopoly began with the Rockefeller Dynasty, even before they funded biotech research and industry.(1) The major GMO seed companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, etc. are based in America and the patent laws that protect their monopoly are American.(2) Therefore, it should come as little surprise that the forces behind toxic GMOs promote GMOs internationally by way of the United Nations, using American tax dollars.


USAID (US Agency for International Development) is a an independent federal agency that is concerned with economic growth and advancing US foreign policy and interests, under the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The agency is funded by taxpayer money. These interests are often private companies, like Monsanto, that champion so-called humanitarian aid in the name of the American people, using our tax dollars. USAID’s humanitarian efforts include imposing GMO seeds on poor nations by way of complex methods that circumvent the laws of poor countries.(3) Poor countries rarely stand up to the US government directly and are under constant pressure, plus they risk losing financial benefits from the US. So, these poor and transitional countries sell out their own farmers and the population suffers because GMO crops are unhealthy, GMO crops yields are lower and they foster monopolies, resulting in ongoing dependence.

USAID funds many NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) that carry out USAID’s objectives- here is a list nearly 200 pages long- of the NGOs that are supported by US taxpayers.(4) It is interesting to note how many of these NGOs are concerned with ‘reproductive rights’, which is a fancy term for eugenics (selective breeding programs, often brutally enforced via forced sterilization and genocide). Further, USAID entered into a Public- Private Partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, with the help of Bill Clinton, in order to use investments to “address” social and environmental problems, under the shelter of a tax free organization.(5) This means that the tax free organization will be able direct ‘impact’ investing which is designed to have an effect on social and environmental problems. In other words, be on the lookout for large investors using their overwhelming influence upon infrastructures, utilities, sewage systems, water sources, etc, which will likely lead to corporate privatization, and total control in pursuit of the final goals of Agenda 21.


The UN WFP (World Food Program) receives most of its funding from USAID. The WFP is corrupt to its core, as evidenced by a leaked UN document about Somalia which exposed that most of the aid goes to UN workers, Islamic militants and contractors.(6) Another example is in Ethiopia where only 12% of the food aid was delivered to the intended poverty stricken area. Additionally, there are more examples of corruption with shipping and trucking fees inflated up to 300% over cost. Of course, NGOs are deeply complicit in this international scheme of theft and incompetence with zero accountability.

Further, USAID director, Rajiv Shah worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the USDA, is also the director of A Green Revolution in Africa (Gates and Rockefeller funded). In fact, just last week, Shah said that the UN WFP is creating food systems that will eliminate “humanitarian” food aid over time; a cynic could interpret this as a depopulation plan, consolidation of monopolies and/ or privatization of all resources. Shah also wants to engage the private sector, which means establishing more PPPs (Public- Private Partnerships) which is the modern mechanism of fascism.(7)(5)

UN collectivists, trying to coerce governments to adopt GMOs, use urgent threats of starvation in poor countries to convince the masses that GMOs are beneficial, when the truth is that they have lower crop yields. The WFP, pushing GMOs, have exploited Africa’s famine problem by offering GMO seeds as the only aid/ help offered, in a ‘GM or Death’ ultimatum.(8)


The UN WTO (World Trade Organization) influences tariffs and can impose fines (of hundreds of millions of dollars) on countries when they trade internationally. While they promote the phrase “free trade”, it is anything but a free market, due to the favorable or unfavorable tariff taxes that the WTO sets. It fosters monopolies on a grand scale. It prohibits competition and true free market Capitalism.

F. William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction”, explains in detail how the Biosafety Protocol, a policy that requiring GMO testing and proof of safety, was undermined. This was done by forcing a clause into the Biosafety Protocol making its rules subordinate to the UN WTO, using the argument that banning GMOs was a barrier to trade under the WTO rules, because the concern over safety was “unproven”. Therefore, the burden of proof for the safety of GMOs was removed from Monsanto and the other manufacturers, which leaves consumers, independent farmers and anyone else harmed by GMOs the costly task of proving, scientifically and in court, that GMOs are unsafe.

In a related UN WTO decision, member countries were forbidden from using their own domestic standards for testing, their own food safety laws and their own product standards, claiming that it would set an “unfair barrier to trade”. Thus, the US government can threaten any government that bans GMOs with violating UN WTO so-called “free trade” rules which have resulted in costly monetary sanctions. The UN WTO settles international trade disputes in secret. Please read Engdahl’s excellent article about the WTO for more information on their manipulative policies.(9)

Incidentally, the Director of the WTO is Rufus Yerxa, former employee of the the US government and Monsanto. Vandana Shiva explains how the WTO imposed trade restrictions on India that limited exports and increased imports, crippling the market and increasing food dependency. The GMO crops also had lower yields because the seed was imported and not adaptable to India’s farming conditions, which resulted in the suicides of over 200,000 Indian farmers- often from drinking Round Up Ready herbicide. (Note that we do not agree with Shiva’s assessment of global warming):


The UN NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and other WTO agreements were signed introduced into law as “agreements”, instead of treaties. Under special legislation, NAFTA was passed into law after Congress authorized George W Bush to enter into tariff agreements and bypassed the usual process to make a treaty a law (requiring 2/3 Senate approval). After Bush entered into the agreements, both houses of Congress passed them into law (a mere 51% majority was needed) on a fast- track. The Supreme Court, acting as agents of the federal government, denied review of this misdeed.(10)

NAFTA has adversely affected both the US and Mexico because it promoted GMO farming in Mexico, contaminating their corn crops, which is a staple food. US grain and food subsidies were used to lower the prices of US food, which flooded the markets of Mexico, wreaking havoc on them. The subsidies were bankrolled by the unsuspecting US taxpayers. Mexico was once food self sufficient, but now it spends 78% of its oil exports to purchase food from the US. US food exports have decreased as a result of NAFTA because some educated countries reject GMOs.(11)


The UN IMF (International Monetary Fund) and UN World Bank are sister agencies that impose harsh conditions and penalties on loans made to governments, resulting in austerity and privatization. In fact, Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner in 2001, former chief economist of the World Bank and formerly one of President Clinton’s economists, exposed the corruption of the UN IMF and World Bank’s practice of keeping developing countries on the loan repayment treadmill, which can lead to harsh measures when the countries fail to repay the loan, instead of allowing a country to go bankrupt and then start over. In 2003, The IMF actually admitted that its policies have often failed for over 60 years.(12)

The IMF and World Bank, working closely with the WTO, offer financial aid and guarantees to multinational companies to privatize in poor countries. Even worse, the IMF and World Bank pressure countries, crippled by debt, to privatize utilities and other resources, especially water. Remember, water is a resource that affects food production. The US Treasury funds 51% of the World bank. The UN derives much power from indebted countries and then is able to make outrageous demands upon the debtor nations, that then benefit corporations and individuals like Bill Gates.(13)


Codex Alimentarius, the UN program to control food and health products internationally with the goal of HARMonization of food, means that plants, seeds, livestock, farming and how all food is processed is to become uniform. Of course, GMO food is a major component of this scheme. Codex Alimentarius is a program to codify food worldwide; it won’t work because there is a lack of consideration for local conditions (local weather, soil conditions, water availability, etc). This appears to be just plain stupid until one realizes its true intent: depopulation. Codex Alimentarius operates under two UN agencies: the WHO (World Health Organization), notorious for pushing unsafe vaccines for the H1N1 flu and insider deals with Big Pharma, and the corrupt FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). Kevin Miller’s excellent film “We Become Silent” is recommended for more details.(14)

There are several unpopular US “food safety” bills currently under consideration. By simply reading the short summary of Senate bill S. 510, it is clear that the bill is not designed for food safety, but for government (Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the CDC) expansion, control and monetary gain. There are only a few representatives in Washington that are even remotely interested in true food safety and a real solution, which would include the abolition of GMOs, or at least the labeling of GMO food, so that consumers can make an informed choice. Barack Obama issued an Executive Order on June 10, 2010 that opens the door to Codex Alimentarius last week.(15)

In conclusion, it is obvious that the time is over-ripe for the US to get out of the UN. This action would result in the withering of the UN as it is funded primarily by US tax dollars. The American people will hopefully come to understand that our hard earned money is being used to poison and bankrupt us, and the rest of the world. Education of the masses is the key, and Americans must exert our power and sovereignty, especially now, with the November elections right around the corner. Please share this article and information.*

* Please credit the author and include a link when posting articles. Thank you.

Monsanto’s Monopoly

by Cassandra Anderson


A monopoly is exclusive control of a commodity or service that makes it possible to manipulate prices. This is accomplished through governmental regulations used to enforce the monopoly. The way to break a monopoly is to remove those laws. This is simple, but not easy in the case of Monsanto, because the roots extend to international, federal, state, and local government regulations. Monopoly owners corner a market by taking control of the resource AND preventing others from using the resource.
The famous robber baron JD Rockefeller refined this method of monopolization with Standard Oil; he created a cartel (an agreement between companies to avoid competition) with the companies he could not buy or force out of business through extraordinarily corrupt business practices. Competition creates a free market; JD Rockefeller is famous for saying, “Competition is a sin.” Of course, the Rockefellers have an enormous stake in biotechnology and the Rockefeller Foundation funded the biology centers and research that led to the creation of GMOs; F. William Engdahl’s book, “Seeds of Destruction”, is highly recommended for the complete details.

This article is intended as a brief sketch to explore the expanse of the roots of Monsanto & understand the machinery of a monopoly, therefore, the science and health issues behind GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) will not be covered in detail. GMOs are created by injecting virus and/ or bacteria into a plant or animal cell, along with the DNA of life forms that would never mate in nature (like spiders and goats). There is extensive proof that GMOs are detrimental to health.(1) Monsanto’s business practices are corrupt- for example, there have been cases where seed sold as non- GMO were actually contaminated. GMOs are not limited to food; industrial chemicals, plastic and drugs can be grown in plants like corn, and there is an overwhelming chance that you have ingested these chemicals and drugs, if you live in America.(2) Cross pollination is rampant and is an enormous problem, thereby polluting non-GMO farms and endangering America’s food supply. Most Americans are unaware that up to 75% of their daily diet is comprised of GMO food.

This is all part of the United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development depopulation program (remember that the Rockefellers have overwhelming influence with the UN). Monsanto promises their seeds are more prolific and can feed more people, but the opposite has often proven to be the truth. The most shocking part of this is that the USDA co-owns a patent, along with Monsanto, on a gene (the Terminator) that can destroy food and be used as a bioweapon.

Monsanto’s monopoly is firmly entrenched within the US government:

1. US Patent Office– this where the problem began, in allowing a patent on life. Monsanto’s seeds are protected under an ‘Intellectual Property’ patent; the seeds are good for one season. When a farmer buys Monsanto seed, he also signs the Technology Agreement that stipulates he may not collect seed and replant it. While the farmer is free to plant any type of seed he wishes, the courts have maintained that farmers are not tied to Monsanto seeds in future seasons. However, it is difficult and costly to stop using Monsanto seed once a farmer has planted it because he may not collect and replant the Monsanto seeds collected after harvest, and must buy all new seeds for the new season. Even if a farmer, having once planted GMO seed, then wishing to switch back, faces the issue of “volunteers” (seeds in the ground from the previous planting) which appear and Monsanto has aggressively sued farmers for patent infringement.(3)
Monsanto is the GMO leader because it has a proprietary patent on the method for creating GMOs, so other companies pay an exorbitant fee to make GMOs.

Monsanto is now patenting non GMO seed as well; this is essentially a patent on nature.(4) Monsanto owns over 20,000 patents.

2. FDA (US Food & Drug Administration): Many people rely on the FDA to determine the safety of food or a product. The FDA is corrupt, particularly within the realm of GMOs. The only “testing” for safety that is required is for the GMO producer to submit a self authored report on the new GMO’s safety. This fraud was accomplished by Michael Taylor, a lawyer who went to work for the FDA and established the “no testing” policy by reasoning that GMOs are “SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT” to food, and food has already been determined to be safe. However, this is an oxymoron because in order to receive a patent, the new product must be different. Michael Taylor (second cousin to Tipper Gore) is notorious for his “revolving door” employment within the US government and Monsanto- he was recently chosen by Obama as the Deputy Commissioner for foods in the FDA.(6)

GMO seed companies prohibit any testing of their products, by contract, to their buyers.(7)

The FDA has made it illegal to label GMO foods as containing GMOs, as they are GRAS (generally recognized as safe). Some companies, like Whole Foods, are starting to label their products as NO GMOs.

3. President George HW Bush, under executive power, mandated the Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence of 1992, the same year that Agenda 21 was introduced. This policy requires NO health or safety testing before a GMO product is released into the public.(8)

4. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture): This government body determines whether a plant is safe to grow. GMOs are unsafe to grow; wind, seeds blown from trucks and insect pollination bring GMO pollen and seeds into non-GMO farmland and contaminate the nearby non-GMO farms.
Outrageously, the USDA co-owns the patent on the “Terminator Gene”, which means that the seeds have been modified to “commit suicide” after one season, and will not germinate if they are planted in a subsequent season. This technology could potentially wipe out food on the planet in one season. The US government has been funding GMO research since 1983; William Engdahl has said that this will give the owners control of the food seeds over entire regions and nations, when commercialized. The USDA and the co-owner of the “terminator” patent promised not to commercialize it in 1999, however, in 2001, they signed a commercialization agreement. Seven years later, Monsanto bought out the co-owner and is now partnered with the USDA for the “Terminator” patent. Food can be used as a weapon.(9)

The USDA has also engaged in illegal dispersal of subsidies to Monsanto as well as giving farmers a break on crop insurance premiums if they used Monsanto seeds, which is tantamount to product endorsement. Remember the USDA is business partners with Monsanto. This is where your tax dollars are going. We are paying for our government to poison us.

5. EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency): The EPA is responsible for determining the safety of GMOs in the environment. GMOs can withstand more pesticides and herbicides than normal crops, so more of these toxins are used and a resistance to the toxins has occurred. GMO pollen has been proven to be detrimental to certain insects; many believe that the great bee die- off in the US is a result of large quantities of pesticides sprayed on GMO crops plus, some crops have pesticides contained in their the DNA. The EPA often relies on the chemical producer for its research and safety testing.(10)

The EPA is a corrupt agency that continually fails to protect public health: there are over 80,000 chemicals used today, but only a few hundred have been tested for safety.(11)

6. The US Supreme Court is an agency of the US government, which has usurped untold power. Currently, there is a case in the Supreme Court, to uphold a ban on GMO alfalfa, as GMOs often contaminate nearby farms via cross pollination; a decision is expected this month. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was an attorney for Monsanto from 1976 to 1979, but he has failed to disqualify himself in a direct conflict of interest.

A ban was placed on the GMO alfalfa due to danger of cross contamination (not safety of the food, but whether the plant is safe to grow- the USDA failed to carry out a proper Environmental Impact Study); the prior rulings have been against Monsanto, and this is their 3rd appeal. Justice Scalia has made remarks that contamination isn’t “the end of the world”. However, it does affect farmers regarding international trade because there are many GMO bans in Europe, and they don’t want GMO crops from the US. A judgement against contamination and in favor of safety would put the USDA’s lack of ethics in preventing contamination in the news and could negate prior lower court decisions that failed to protect non- GMO farmers from contamination. And a ruling in favor of food safety could put the USDA in the news again, connecting the dots of collusion because of their refusal to ban GMOs, in order to protect their own patent on the Terminator Gene. So, given the evidence of governmental complicity in GMO monopolies, incompetence and ignorance, don’t expect the miracle of common sense to prevail in this case.

Incidentally, Elena Kagan, Obama’s candidate for the Supreme Court, sided with Monsanto in the alfalfa case, during the petition period, although it was outside of he jurisdiction as solicitor general.(12)

7. State governments have also contributed to the monopoly by blocking local bans on GMOs. Mendocino and Marin Counties, in Northern California, banned GMOs in 2004. California’s Central Valley, the nation’s largest produce provider, did not follow the GMO ban. Lobbying from GMO seed producers was intense, as the monopoly became threatened. The response was that a number of States enacted pre-emptive laws preventing local governments from declaring bans on GMOs within their jurisdictions.(13)

8. Monsanto has a long history of lying, lobbying, bribing and pressuring government scientists and government officers in order to keep their monopoly in place.(14) Monsanto has used very dirty business practices to corner the market on seeds. Within Monsanto contracts there are provisions that mandate the destruction of all Monsanto seeds when a seed company changes ownership: the result is that this makes it very easy for Monsanto buy seed companies cheaply in the bidding process. Another way that Monsanto has eliminated competition is through withholding non GMO seeds from the market. They have also undercut their prices, making their cheaper product appear to be a good deal to farmers. News stories about the detrimental effects of GMOs have also been suppressed, as in the case of some news investigators who got fired from a Fox news investigation over rBHG.

9. US DOJ (Department of Justice) is currently conducting an investigation regarding anti-trust violations (like the concentration of the seed supply being in the possession of 2 companies), but the investigation seems skewed in the favor of Monsanto as farmers are under-represented and the US interest in the GMO monopoly is deeply rooted. In other words this will be a lightweight investigation.(15)

Maybe the 7 States that are investigating Monsanto’s monopoly on seeds will be more authentic, but I doubt it as DuPont’s complaint against Monsanto accuses them of offering rebates to seed distributors for excluding rival seeds; DuPont offers GMO seeds and is acting in its own interest- this investigation will likely avoid looking into how Monsanto edged out healthy non GMO seeds.(15)

In conclusion, it is undeniable that the our government is deeply complicit in depopulation through food control, especially the USDA’s patent on the Terminator Gene. Frighteningly, amateur garage laboratory scientists and other hobbyists are pursuing new GMO creations on their own, which could have catastrophic results.(16) While this option could break Monsanto’s monopoly, it is certainly not the preferred way to go. The solution is to educate your family, educate friends, and especially the education of farmers is crucial. The US government involvement is particularly disturbing, regarding the sterile Terminator Gene and needs to be exposed far and wide. Please share this information with everyone you know, in order to support the growth of organic and non GMO farming.*


* This article is meant to awaken the public, particularly politicians and policy makers who have the power to break the governmental bonds.  Please reprint and send this article with a link to this website.  Thank you.

by Cassandra Anderson

The purpose of this article is to give a brief outline of how the elites, and the Rockefellers in particular, are using food as a weapon.  Since the Rockefeller family came to power (especially after gaining a monopoly in 1914 with Standard Oil) they have manipulated our government into ruining our financial system by way of the Federal Reserve, energy through oil dependency and food with GMOs (Genetically Engineered Organisms).  The intention is to rob us blind and kill us.  It’s time to wake up.

The official name of this program is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.  It the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control over America and the rest of the world.  There is no question that Americans are targeted for depopulation: GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) food has saturated American farmlands. GMOs are dangerous and the proliferation of corn crops (used as sweetener, animal feed, processed food, etc) in America is shortening our life spans.(1) Our water is polluted, containing over 60,000 chemicals, most of which have never been tested for safety.(2)  Our air is toxic, and the US is one of the most targeted areas for chemtrails.(3)   This is just the tip of the iceberg, the things we know about.

While Agenda 21 was introduced in 1992, the elite collectivists, lead by the Rockefellers, have been pushing population control on America and the world for generations.  In 1992, this depopulation and control policy was modernized and given a name: Agenda 21, or the Agenda for the 21st century.  The premise for depopulation and control is to preserve the environment.   One would have to be an idiot to disregard environmental concerns, however, the solutions that Agenda 21 offers fail to address the real issues.  The primary tools that Agenda 21 Sustainable Development uses are global warming lies, water shortages (like the man made drought in California, which also causes food shortages) and the Endangered Species Act (designed to take away private property, which is the base of wealth creation and freedom).(4)  The focus of this article is revealing the link between the Rockefellers and their intended use of food as a weapon, which is more powerful than military domination and energy control.

Food control goes hand in hand with population control.   The eugenics (improvement of humans through selective breeding, often using brutal methods like genocide and forced sterilization) program of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany was revealed after WWII.   Obviously, people did not have a high opinion of eugenics, so, according to William Engdahl (author of “Seeds of Destruction”, the Rockefeller strategists shifted their profile to champion the causes of the environment, resource scarcity and overpopulation.(5)  The policy of population control remained, despite the illusion of caring concern- which is simply marketing; the word eugenics has been renamed as “human genetics”.  This scheme for improving their image worked for them before with their “philanthropy” and tax-free foundations, after the Rockefellers became very unpopular following the Ludlow Massacre.

The Ludlow Massacre took place at a Rockefeller owned coal mine in Colorado.  The mines were notoriously unsafe, which caused many deaths and the workers were paid in scrip (currency substitute that is often credit), to be spent at the Rockefeller company stores.  When the workers went on strike, they were evicted from their homes and lived with their families in tent cities.   Then they were provoked through murder, machine gun spray, harassment, etc, in order to goad the workers into violence.(6)   This was used as a pretext to get the National Guard involved; the state militia opened fire on the tent cities, resulting in up to 53 deaths, 13 of whom were women and children.   So, the Rockefellers created a propaganda campaign to polish their tarnished image through tax exempt foundations.  These foundations are hardly philanthropic; they are used to fund the destruction of America (please read this excellent transcript by G. Edward Griffin to discover the true nature of tax exempt foundations).(7)

Why do you think Senator Jay Rockefeller(8) is pushing so hard to censor the Internet?

Today, the Rockefellers use coercive population control tactics and food as a weapon through a front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources) as the Rockefellers are trying to distance themselves from public- just like the Rothschild clan has done.  Engdahl reports that CGIAR operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops.   CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971 with $350 million dollars a year in funding.

The Rockefeller’s “Green Revolution”, which was the implementation of new farming methods in developing countries, like Mexico, India and Asia, increased crop yields, but ended in disaster; the program lasted from the 1940’s- 1970’s.(9)  The “Green Revolution”, funded by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations and the US government, was a farming experiment with these results:

  • Hybrid rice was planted that is often sterile in subsequent generations
  • Intensive water usage, which depleted water sources
  • Use of pesticides and herbicides, which causes cancer but made the manufacturers wealthy
  • Use of synthetic (petroleum based) fertilizers that damaged the environment, but created untold wealth for the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil
  • Created a monoculture (only a single crop is grown), which means that the food supply can be destroyed in one season

Bill Gates wants to have a new “Gene Revolution” in Africa. Bill Gates has teamed with the Rockefellers, Monsanto and the government of Norway in the Doomsday Seed Vault, in which organic seed is stored for some anticipated world catastrophe.(10)

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund created the ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications) and the Rockefeller Foundation is a major donor. The ISAAA is involved in promoting proprietary GMO seeds to developing countries. Its sponsors include Monsanto (USA), Dow AgroSciences (USA), Cargill (USA), Bayer CropScience (Germany), and a mysterious “Anonymous Donor “(USA), and US-AID of the State Department, per William Engdahl.

It is worth mentioning that Robert Deitch’s book, “Hemp: American History Revisited” explains that the Great Depression was not caused by the Wall Street stock market crash of ’29, but by Prohibition (the 18th Amendment that prohibited alcohol from 1920 until it was repealed in 1933).   Other businesses, besides the production of alcoholic beverages, that also used alcohol were ruined. Deitch claims that the big oil interests, like Rockefeller (Standard Oil) and Mellon (Gulf Oil) demonized alcohol, not on propagandized moral grounds, but to eliminate competition.   The automobile industry was in its infancy and they wanted to corner the market on energy, so they devised a plan to knock out the competition of alcohol powered vehicles.

Later, in 1937, after relentless lobbying, they did the same thing with hemp, and through deception and demonization of marijuana, hemp was outlawed.   Hemp contains only miniscule trace amounts of THC (the active agent in marijuana), yet it is considered a ‘controlled substance’.   Hemp is a low maintenance plant that needs no pesticides or herbicides, and can produce oil, paper products, biodegradable plastics, medicine and textiles (it is also a super nutritious food).  Because the Robber Barons (Rockefeller and Mellon- oil, DuPont- chemicals and Hearst- paper) were threatened, they joined together to outlaw hemp.

Hemp was later needed during WWII, so its cultivation was allowed.  Hemp was a threat to the Rockefellers not only because it produces oil, but also because Cannibis has uses as a medicine, thereby threatening their pharmaceutical drug monopoly.   Nelson Rockefeller, as governor of New York, in 1973, established marijuana as a Schedule I narcotic drug, through the “Rockefeller Drug Laws” which had harsh penalties for the possession and sale of drugs (including marijuana) that could result in a sentence of 15 years to life.  As other States followed suit, this was the genesis of America’s abysmal ‘War on Drugs’.(11)

California was the first State to defy the federal government in de-criminalizing marijuana for medical use, through the 10th Amendment (States’ rights).  Fourteen other States have followed suit. California will be vote on marijuana legalization in November; this may pass because the government wants to tax it.  Ironically, in 2006, a bill to allow hemp farming passed both houses of the California legislature, but collectivist Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill because he said that marijuana and hemp are indistinguishable under federal law.   Hemp could go a long way toward saving California’s bankrupt economy.

Fifteen other States have introduced or enacted legislation to grow hemp, but they fear the federal Drug Enforcement Agency.(12)

Interestingly, California will have an initiative on the ballot in November to legalize marijuana.  This means that if it passes, anyone can smoke marijuana for any reason, as opposed to limiting it to medical marijuana use.  This is important for 2 reasons; first, it would open the door for hemp cultivation for food, oil, natural plastics, paper, etc.  The second reason this is important is because it would nullify the federal drug law, thus enforcing the Tenth Amendment for state sovereignty.

Thanks to F. William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction”

  4. www.

The Earth Charter

Posted: June 29, 2010 in Education

In 1992 Maurice Strong was the Secretary General of the historic United Nations Earth Summit in Rio. In order to ensure the success of the Summit, Strong’s wife, Hanne, held a vigil with the Wisdom-keepers, a group of “global transformationalists.” Through round-the-clock sacred fire, drumbeat, and meditation, the group “held the energy pattern” for the duration of the gathering. As described in my previous article Agenda 21 was the primary output of the Summit. It was stated at the time that this ‘blueprint for the 21st century’ would lay the necessary foundation for a subsequent “new global covenant between humanity and the Earth.”

Shortly after the Earth Summit concluded Strong formed the Earth Council, a group of “environmental visionaries and philosophers”, and set about drafting this “new global covenant”. Various draft versions were formulated but the radical and transformative nature of the document met with resistance from more conservative members of the UN bureaucracy. In 1997, the Earth Council and Green Cross International, founded by Mikhail Gorbachev, joined forces to form the Earth Charter Commission. The Commission, co-chaired by Strong and Gorbachev, claims to have consulted more than 100,000 “concerned world citizens” around the globe. The twenty-three members of the Commission, which includes nine Club of Rome members, claim to have “mediated prayerfully over every word and comma”. I wonder who they were praying too?

The Earth Charter Commission approved the final text of the Earth Charter in 2000, and it has since been embraced by the United Nations, many religious leaders around the world, the majority of world governments and countless Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and activist groups. Following the release of the Charter a series of international forums, called The Earth Dialogues were held at the United Nations to discuss how the general public could be convinced to adopt the “covenant with the Earth” in a real and personal way.

Perhaps most revealing was the forum for Inter-Religious Groups and Spiritual Leaders. As stated in the forums official meeting minutes, the intent was to deal with “the ethics of intolerant righteousness and the greed of short term gain, as these cannot lead us to sustainable development. It is clear that our religious institutions have barely begun to articulate the core values of sustainable development. In their fundamentalist – fanatical forms, religions throughout history have justified terrorism, jihads and crusades against people who hold different beliefs and against the Earth itself.” So we can clearly see who they consider their enemy to be.

While supporters of the Earth Charter consider traditional mono-theistic religions to be the main obstacle to peaceful coexistence and sustainable life on Earth, they do not propose doing away with spirituality. The Earth Charter goes into detail about the need for faith and spirituality in human life. The preamble of the charter states “the spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature.”

So what exactly does this Earth Charter contain? Compared to most UN publications it is very short, only four pages long, direct, and to the point. It clearly lays out the Constitution for a New Green Order. “The choice is ours,” it states, “form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living.”

The Charter can be read at the official Earth Charter website. The site describes the Charter as “a declaration of fundamental values and principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Created by the largest global consultation process ever associated with an international declaration, endorsed by thousands of organizations representing millions of individuals, the Earth Charter seeks to inspire in all peoples a sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family and the larger living world. It is an expression of hope and a call to help create a global partnership at a critical juncture in history.”

The document begins with a preamble which summarises the problems with the “global situation”, why an Earth Charter is needed to address these problems and the solutions the Charter will provide. It then lists 16 overarching principles that it claims should govern life on this planet. The Charter concludes with a series of closing statement entitled The Way Forward. Rather than going through the whole document line by line I will just provide the reader with the preamble and closing statement which, in effect, summarise the other parts of the Charter. Keep in mind as you read the following text, this is not the ramblings of some idealistic environmental group. It is a covenant that has been officially endorsed by the UNCED, UNESCO, UNEP, many governments, and thousands of smaller organisations.

We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations.

Earth, Our Home
Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life. The forces of nature make existence a demanding and uncertain adventure, but Earth has provided the conditions essential to life’s evolution. The resilience of the community of life and the well-being of humanity depend upon preserving a healthy biosphere with all its ecological systems, a rich variety of plants and animals, fertile soils, pure waters, and clean air. The global environment with its finite resources is a common concern of all peoples. The protection of Earth’s vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust.

The Global Situation
The dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species. Communities are being undermined. The benefits of development are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Injustice, poverty, ignorance, and violent conflict are widespread and the cause of great suffering. An unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. These trends are perilous—but not inevitable.

The Challenges Ahead
The choice is ours: form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living. We must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development is primarily about being more, not having more. We have the knowledge and technology to provide for all and to reduce our impacts on the environment. The emergence of a global civil society is creating new opportunities to build a democratic and humane world. Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual challenges are interconnected, and together we can forge inclusive solutions.

Universal Responsibility
To realize these aspirations, we must decide to live with a sense of universal responsibility, identifying ourselves with the whole Earth community as well as our local communities. We are at once citizens of different nations and of one world in which the local and global are linked. Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of the human family and the larger living world. The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature. We urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community. Therefore, together in hope we affirm the following interdependent principles for a sustainable way of life as a common standard by which the conduct of all individuals, organizations, businesses, governments, and transnational institutions is to be guided and assessed.


As never before in history, common destiny beckons us to seek a new beginning. Such renewal is the promise of these Earth Charter principles. To fulfill this promise, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter. This requires a change of mind and heart. It requires a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility. We must imaginatively develop and apply the vision of a sustainable way of life locally, nationally, regionally, and globally. Our cultural diversity is a precious heritage and different cultures will find their own distinctive ways to realize the vision. We must deepen and expand the global dialogue that generated the Earth Charter, for we have much to learn from the ongoing collaborative search for truth and wisdom.

Life often involves tensions between important values. This can mean difficult choices. However, we must find ways to harmonize diversity with unity, the exercise of freedom with the common good, short-term objectives with long-term goals. Every individual, family, organization, and community has a vital role to play. The arts, sciences, religions, educational institutions, media, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and governments are all called to offer creative leadership. The partnership of government, civil society, and business is essential for effective governance.

In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.

Now you may be thinking this all sounds very nice and reasonable. Why not join together in a joyful celebration of life. But the real intent behind the Earth Charter, and the Global Green Agenda in general, is to eliminate national sovereignty and place all humanity under the control of a single ‘Earth Government.’ They clearly and explicitly state that this is their goal:

In my view, after fifty years of service in the United Nations system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government … There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems – if systems they are – are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways. The less we lose time, the less species’ and nature will be destroyed.

Since the United Nations is the only world-wide, universal organization that is presently available, since it had fifty years of valuable experience and many successes, since it paved the way to proper Earth government, instead of putting it on the defensive, unjustified attacks and criticism, reduction of resources and non-payment of obligatory contributions, governments should honestly ask themselves if a better way would not be to consider a second generation United Nations upgraded by a true quantum jump into a proper Earth preserving and human well-being and justice ensuring organization of our planet.

The continental approach to a world union remains an important avenue. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. A World Union could be constructed as a super-structure and common political, economic and environmental instrument to achieve these objectives.
from – The Earth Charter in Action

Unlike Agenda 21, which is a hard law document, the Earth Charter lays out the principles which laws and regulations will have to promote and enforce. The Charter “was drafted in coordination with a hard law treaty that is designed to provide an integrated legal framework for all environment development law and policy.” This hard law treaty is called the International Covenant on Environment and Development and is being prepared by the Commission on Environmental Law at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a behemoth agency which oversees 700+ governmental agencies worldwide. Interestingly, Maurice Strong (busy man!) is on the IUCN’s Board of Directors.

Again, unlike Agenda 21, the Earth Charter is not being forced on local communities from above. The United Nations is quietly fostering a grass-roots mainstream movement where people personally commit themselves to the Charter. They believe that this personal commitment will be necessary to bring about the societal transformation that the Charter requires. The primary tool being used to permeate society with awareness and acceptance of the Charter is the Earth Charter Initiative. This is another brain-child of Strong and Gorbachev.

According to their own description “The Earth Charter Initiative is the collective name for an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions who participate in promoting the Earth Charter, and in implementing its principles in practice. The Initiative is a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort, but participants include leading international institutions, national governments, university associations, NGOs, cities, faith groups, and many well-known leaders in sustainable development.”

The Earth Charter Initiative is located in, and managed by, the United Nations University of Peace. The governing council of this University contains some very interesting names. Many of its top academics are members of the Club of Rome. In fact the infamous Maurice Strong is the President of the University and its Rector, Martin Lees, is the Secretary General of the CoR! The founder and current Chancellor of the University is Robert Muller, former Assistant-Secretary of the United Nations, and its #2 ranked official. I strongly urge the reader to research Mr Muller’s vision for the world as outlined on his websites and Here are some snippets to whet your appetite:

Little by little a planetary prayer book is
thus being composed by an increasingly united
humanity seeking its oneness
Once again,
but this time on a universal scale, humankind is

seeking no less than its reunion with ‘divine,’
its transcendence into higher forms of life. Hindus

call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly
see no difference between our earth and the divine.
This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon
humanity, as we are about to enter our cosmic age

and become what we were always meant to be:
the planet of god
– Robert Muller,
former UN Assistant Secretary General
and Chancellor of the UN University for Peace

What an incredible planet in the universe this will be
when we will be one human family living in justice,
peace, love and harmony with our
divine Earth,
with each other and with the heavens
– Robert Muller,
former UN Assistant Secretary General

As a final insult, and perhaps to make clear the true intent of their agenda, the original copy of the Earth Charter has been placed in a specially constructed Ark of Hope. Placed within the Ark, along with the Earth Charter, were various items called ‘Temenos Books’ and ‘Temenos Earth Masks.’ Temenos is a concept adopted by Carl Jung to denote a magic circle, a sacred space where special rules and energies apply. Some of the Temenos Books were created within this magic circle by children, who filled them with visual affirmations for Mother Earth. Fashioned with the “earth elements”, the Temenos Earth Masks were also worn and created by children. The outside of the Ark is covered with images depicting native spirits of fire, earth, air and water. If you wish you can read more here. This Ark forms a major part of ‘the Earth Charter outreach programme’ and visits hundreds of schools and universities around the world each year.

The Earth Charter stresses that man is his own saviour. By saving ‘Mother Earth’ we will once again return to an idyllic Garden of Eden and redeem our tarnished souls. But instead of worshipping the true Creator, the Global Green Agenda seeks to plunge us headlong into an earth-worship new world religion. They are only waiting for “the right crisis” after which they surmise that humanity will gladly sell their souls for the kind of world that the Earth Charter Promises.

Do not do unto the environment of others what
you do not want done to your own environment..
My hope is that this Charter will be a kind of

Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on the Mount’,

that provides a guide for human behavior toward the

environment in the next century
– Mikhail Gorbachev

Agenda 21 – The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century

Agenda 21 was the main outcome of the United Nation’s Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, the UN’s vision for a centrally managed global society. This contract binds governments around the world to the United Nation’s plan for controlling the way we live, eat, learn, move and communicate – all under the noble banner of saving the earth. If fully implemented, Agenda 21 would have the government involved in every aspect of life of every human on earth.

Agenda 21 spreads it tentacles from Governments, to federal and local authorities, and right down to community groups. Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 specifically calls for each community to formulate its own Local Agenda 21: ”Each local authority should enter into a dialogue with its citizens, local organizations, and private enterprises and formulate ‘a Local Agenda 21.’ Through consultation and consensus-building, local authorities would learn from citizens and from local, civic, community, business and industrial organizations and acquire the information needed for formulating the best strategies.” – Agenda 21, Chapter 28, sec 1.3

Interestingly, in April 1991, fourteen months before Earth Summit, Prince Charles held a private two day international conference aboard the royal yacht Britannia, moored off the coast of Brazil. His goal was to bring together key international figures in an attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the various countries that would gather at the Summit. Al Gore was present, along with senior officials from the United Nations and the World Bank.

At the summit 179 nations officially signed Agenda 21 and many more have followed since. Nearly 12,000 local and federal authorities have legally committed themselves to the Agenda. In practice this means that all their plans and policies must begin with an assessment of how the plan or policy meets the requirements of Agenda 21, and no plans or policies are allowed to contradict any part of the Agenda. Local authorities are audited by UN inspectors and the results of the audits are placed on the UN website. You can see how many local authorities in your country were bound by Agenda 21 in 2001 here.  (ICLEI now has over 1,000 cities in the U.S. subscribed as of this writing).

The official opening ceremony was conducted by the Dalai Lama and centered around a Viking long-ship that was constructed to celebrate the summit and sailed to Rio from Norway. The ship was appropriately named Gaia. A huge mural of a beauiful woman holding the earth within her hands adorned the entrance to the summit. Al Gore lead the US delegation where he was joined by 110 Heads of State, and representatives of more than 800 NGO’s.

Maurice Strong, Club of Rome member, devout Bahai, founder and first Secretary General of UNEP, has been the driving force behind the birth and imposition of Agenda 21. While he chaired the Earth Summit, outside his wife Hanne and 300 followers called the Wisdom-Keepers, continuously beat drums, chanted prayers to Gaia, and trended scared flames in order to “establish and hold the energy field” for the duration of the summit. You can view actual footage of these ceremonies on YouTube. During the opening speech Maurice Strong made the following statements:

“The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”

“It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.”

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable. A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”

Among other things, the agenda called for a Global Biodiversity Assessment of the State of the Earth. Prepared by the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP), this 1140 page document armed UN leaders with the “ecological basis, and moral authority” they needed to validate their global management system. The GBA concludes on page 863 that “the root causes of the loss of biodiversity are embedded in the way societies use resources. This world view is characteristic of large scale societies, heavily dependent on resources brought from considerable distances. It is a world view that is characterized by the denial of sacred attributes in nature, a characteristic that became firmly established about 2000 years ago with the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious traditions. Eastern cultures with religious traditions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism did not depart as drastically from the perspective of humans as members of a community of beings including other living and non-living elements.” In other words Christians and Moslems are to blame for the sorry state of the world because their religions do not involve worshipping “sacred nature.”

Following the Earth Summit Maurice Strong was named Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, and was appointed to the position of Chief Policy Advisor by Kofi Annan. He was also a member of the UN’s Commission on Global Governance, and the key architect of the Kyoto Protocol. Strong and his wife have also established the Manitou Foundation, providing land in the Colorado to an eclectic mix of religious groups, including the Crestone Mountain Zen Center, the Spiritual Life Institute (a Catholic Carmelite monastery), the Haidakhandi Universal Ashram, the Sri Aurobindo Learning Center, Mangala Shri Bhuti (Tibetan Buddhists), and Karma Thegsum Tashi Gomang (Indian mystics). The Strongs have located their spiritual centre in the Colorado mountains because: “The Strongs learned that since antiquity indigenous peoples had revered this pristine wilderness as a place for conducting their vision quests and receiving shamanic trainings. It is prophesied that the world’s religious traditions would gather here and help move theworld toward globally conscious co-existence and co-creation.”

So what exactly does Agenda 21 contain? It consists of 115 different and very specific programs designed to facilitate, or to force, the transition to Sustainable Development. The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of the Earth Summit, is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The agenda is broken up into 8 ‘programme areas for action’:

>> Agriculture
>> Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management
>> Education
>> Energy and Housing
>> Population
>> Public Health
>> Resources and recycling
>> Transportation, Sustainable Economic Development

As you can see Agenda 21 addresses nearly every aspect of modern life. If you have a spare few days the entire document can be read here. I encourage the reader to at least read the Table of Contents in order to understand the true scope of this ‘blueprint for the 21st century.’ I won’t torture the reader by going into the document in too much depth but I will provide the first six paragraphs so that you can understand the true intent of Agenda 21:

1.1. Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfilment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can – in a global partnership for sustainable development.

1.2. This global partnership must build on the premises of General Assembly resolution 44/228 of 22 December 1989, which was adopted when the nations of the world called for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and on the acceptance of the need to take a balanced and integrated approach to environment and development questions.

1.3. Agenda 21 addresses the pressing problems of today and also aims at preparing the world for the challenges of the next century. It reflects a global consensus and political commitment at the highest level on development and environment cooperation. Its successful implementation is first and foremost the responsibility of Governments. National strategies, plans, policies and processes are crucial in achieving this. International cooperation should support and supplement such national efforts. In this context, the United Nations system has a key role to play. Other international, regional and subregional organizations are also called upon to contribute to this effort. The broadest public participation and the active involvement of the non-governmental organizations and other groups should also be encouraged.

1.4. The developmental and environmental objectives of Agenda 21 will require a substantial flow of new and additional financial resources to developing countries, in order to cover the incremental costs for the actions they have to undertake to deal with global environmental problems and to accelerate sustainable development. Financial resources are also required for strengthening the capacity of international institutions for the implementation of Agenda 21.

1.5. In the implementation of the relevant programme areas identified in Agenda 21, special attention should be given to the particular circumstances facing the economies in transition. It must also be recognized that these countries are facing unprecedented challenges in transforming their economies, in some cases in the midst of considerable social and political tension.

1.6. The programme areas that constitute Agenda 21 are described in terms of the basis for action, objectives, activities and means of implementation. Agenda 21 is a dynamic programme. It will be carried out by the various actors according to the different situations, capacities and priorities of countries and regions in full respect of all the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. It could evolve over time in the light of changing needs and circumstances. This process marks the beginning of a new global partnership for sustainable development.

Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations. Under Agenda 21 all central government and local authority signatories are required to conform strictly to a common prescribed standard and hence this is just communism resurrected in a new guise. Now that Agenda 21 has gained a stranglehold on global regulatory and planning processes Maurice Strong and his Club of Rome colleagues have moved on to the next phase of the Global Green Agenda.

In association with fellow CoR member Mikhail Gorbachev, Strong co-chaired the committee responsible for drafting the Earth Charter. Compared to the 2500 pages that make up Agenda 21 and the BGA it is a tiny document – only 4 pages long. But it is of far more significance to the Global Green Agenda. The Earth Charter is a “declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century”. It is the constitution for a New Green Order.